SII:Revenue for the first half of 2020/2021

Paris, November 12, 2020 – 6 p.m.

Revenue for the first half of 2020/2021: 301,2 M€,
down 7.6% (-5.9% of which at constant rates)

Gradual improvement of the situation in the second quarter
in the context of the health and economic crisis

Reduction of activity in France: -17.1%
Growth in international activity: +2.7% (+6.2% of which at constant rates)

The SII engineering group has released its first-half revenue data for fiscal 2020-2021.

Management Board chairman Eric MATTEUCCI commented that: “The first half of the 2020-2021 financial year experienced a low point in activity in April and May and has shown a slow and continuous recovery in activity since June 2020. The second quarter of the financial year shows encouraging signs for the rest of the year, although caution is still necessary in view of the latest measures taken by governments to tackle the health crisis. All our teams remain mobilized to ensure that we are able to continue our activities and win new markets. All the energy deployed allows us to be confident about our ability to return to growth.”

In M€
1er half (to September 30)
at constant
First quarter revenue162.57147.43-9.3%-7.3%
Second quarter revenue163.34153.78-6.2%-4.5%
Six month revenue325.91301.21-7.6%-5.9%
of which: France169.20140.20-17.1%-17.1%
of which: international156.71161.01+2.7%+6.2%

* excluding the effect of exchange rates (2019-2020 exchange rates applied to 2020-2021 revenue)

SII Group, a specialist in engineering businesses, registered revenues of €301.12 million during the first half of the 2020/2021 financial year. After a first quarter down by 7.3% at constant rates (-9.3% at current rates) penalized by the strict lockdowns, the second quarter showed a gradual recovery of the activity illustrated by a more limited decline of 4.5% at constant rates (-6.2% at current rates). In the semester, the SII group benefited from its sectoral and geographic diversification, which has helped the activity to resist in this adverse climate. Activity shows slight growth overseas: +6.2% at constant rates (+2.7% at current rates).

Growth of the activity overseas and gradual recovery of the activity in France

In France, SII Group registered revenues of €67.6 million during the first half of 2020/2021. After a more than 20% decline in activity in the first quarter (€67.7 million), the second quarter showed a gradual recovery with €72.6 million, a 13.2% decrease compared to the second quarter in the previous financial year.  The diversity of the business sectors in which the group intervenes has favored this incipient recovery. The health and economic crisis has mainly affected the aeronautical, automotive, transport and tourism sectors. The lockdown created major organizational difficulties for the continuation of activities in the defense sector during the first quarter. Activities in this sector largely recovered gradually in the second quarter.  To reduce the impacts of the health and economic crisis, the group resorted to part-time activity for this entire period. Furthermore, sectors such as telecommunications, energy and banking have generally resisted since the start of the crisis.

Overseas, the half-yearly turnover shows 6.2% growth at constant exchange rates. The situation remains very varied according to the scale of the health crisis and the group's sectors of intervention in each country. Difficulties appeared in countries where the SII Group is exposed to the aeronautical sector (Germany, Canada, the Netherlands), the automotive sector (Germany, Spain, Czech Republic), transport and tourism (Spain). However, Poland, where exposure to different sectors is very diversified, registered exceptional resistance (+20.8% at constant rates). Three other countries supported international performance with a rate of growth in two figures (at constant rates): Romania (+13.5%), Columbia (+19.8%) and the United Kingdom (+50.6%). Changes in exchange rates slightly reduces performance at current rates outside France, which stands at +2.7%.


After a first quarter greatly penalized by the lockdown, the second quarter showed a partial recovery of activities existing before the lockdown accompanied by the launch of new projects.

The current evolution of the health crisis in several countries calls for great caution but the new lockdowns have not resulted in the sudden and large-scale stoppage of projects in progress. On the basis of the situation to date, the next quarter might, once again, show an improvement in the situation in France and a good resistance among our activities overseas.


Next financial announcement:

Fiscal 2020-2021 half-year financial results, Wednesday, December 9, 2020 after the close of trading



SII - Eric Matteucci -

Media relations: CIC Market Solutions - Stéphanie Stahr -


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About SII

Serving as a true partner for technology matters, SII Group provides solutions with added value to projects at major companies. Relying on teams of expert engineers and methods applying the highest quality standards, SII’s business has a balanced focus on:

  • Technology consulting (IT, electronics, and telecoms),
  • Digital services (technical IT and networks).

SII Group has organized itself to offer the responsiveness and flexibility of personalized service. SII has nine offices in France serving as profit centers with robust operational resources and the ability to support major international clients, serving companies in 18 countries on four continents.

In the 2019/2020 financial year, which ended on 31 March, SII Group recorded revenues of €675.1 million, which was up by 6.9 %. SII Group is continuing its growth at a rate that is faster than its benchmark market.

ATTACHMENT: Revenue by quarter

In M€

of which: at constant rates*
International operations79.8681.15161.01
of which: at constant rates*
SII Group Total147.43153.78301.21
of which: at constant rates*

*:  excluding the impact of exchange-rate fluctuations (previous year’s exchange rates applied to current year’s revenue)



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