Multiple Sclerosis: Is Therapeutic Angiogenesis a Treatment or Even a Possible Cure?

Zhittya Genesis Medicine Announces It Will Host a Webinar Describing a Potential Major Medical Breakthrough for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zhittya Genesis Medicine, Inc. (Zhittya), a private company, announced that it will give a Webinar broadcast on its potential breakthrough therapy to reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). Currently, no therapies on the market can halt or reverse this disorder. The webinar will be broadcast on Monday, November 23, 2020, at 9:00 am Pacific (12 noon Eastern). The webinar is available to all interested parties, free of charge. Click Here to Register for this Webinar

This webinar will explore how therapeutic angiogenesis may be a potentially novel way to halt the progression of multiple sclerosis by exploring several lines of evidence that the microvasculature becomes damaged in this disease, through a process which is termed “endothelial cell dysfunction”. This deterioration of the vasculature allows toxic substances and immune cells to escape from the circulatory system and directly attack adjacent neurons, leading to the brain and spinal cord lesions seen in multiple sclerosis. Zhittya believes this “endothelial dysfunction” could be the root cause of multiple Sclerosis. Zhittya has prepared a regulatory application to conduct a human clinical trial with its therapeutic angiogenesis molecule, human FGF-1, in patients with MS. The design of the upcoming clinical study to treat MS will also be discussed in this webinar.

Zhittya has prepared a White Paper entitled: “Human FGF-1 as a Potential Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)” which is available to all, free of charge, by emailing:

Daniel C. Montano, CEO of Zhittya stated, “I believe we are truly on to something here. This new concept of deterioration of the vasculature in diseases such as MS makes us hopeful that a molecule such as our FGF-1 can heal these dysfunctional blood vessels that appear to develop in the MS lesions and will hopefully lead to the restoration of healthy neurons in this disorder. We also believe a similar process is occurring in the aging brain and FGF-1 may represent a preventative treatment for the cognitive decline seen in so many elderly individuals.”

Dr. Jack Jacobs, President of Zhittya stated, “Millions of people around the world suffer from multiple sclerosis, and we believe we may have a breakthrough therapy for this disease, which is why we will be spending many millions of dollars in clinical trials to prove if we are right or wrong. I believe this pathological process of ‘endothelial cell dysfunction’ underlies many vascular disorders and if we are able to heal these dysfunction blood vessels with FGF-1 we are going to have an enormous impact In the medical community.”

About Zhittya Genesis Medicine

Zhittya’s management has been working to advance these medicines for over 21 years and well over one hundred million dollars has been expended in preclinical and clinical studies. Zhittya’s medicine initiates a biological process in the human body referred to as “therapeutic angiogenesis” and this process will only occur in diseased tissues that become ischemic due to a lack of blood flow. In those areas with insufficient blood flow, the drug stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, providing nourishment and removing metabolic waste products, thereby re-establishing normal cellular functions. In addition, the drug can also heal damaged blood vessels that display “endothelial cell dysfunction”, a condition that develops in diseases such as multiple sclerosis and also as we age. Heart disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and diabetic foot ulcers are just some of the more obvious disorders the drugs can treat, but in fact, over 75 human diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease are also targeted for this regenerative therapy.

To provide some evidence of the past success that has been seen with FGF-1, below is a link to an ABC Nightly News Broadcast discussing our drug in US FDA-cleared clinical trials where it triggered the growth of new blood vessels in the hearts of patients suffering from coronary artery disease, the number one cause of death in the world:

From this video one can see the growth of new blood vessels in the heart of one of the patients that was treated. We believe that disrupted blood flow in the brain and spine is the cause of multiple sclerosis. If our drug can do in the brain, what it has accomplished in the heart, we believe we can reverse the horror of this MS neurological disorder for 50% to 70% of all sufferers.

Contact information:

Daniel C. Montano, CEO
Zhittya Genesis Medicine, Inc.
Phone: (1) 702-790-9980

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