Activity results of nine months of year 2020 of company AB “Linas” Group of companies. AB “Linas” not audited consolidated interim information of nine months of year 2020

On November 30, 2020 AB “Linas” Board confirmed AB “Linas” consolidated interim financial reports of nine months of year 2020 which are not checked by the auditors and prepared International financial accountability standards accepted by EU.

Linas AB group of companies sold linen textile goods and services for 9,599 thousand Eur during the 9 months of 2020  Comparing to the 9 months of 2019 the volume of sales decreased by 302 thousand Eur or 3 % . During three quarters of year 2020 the Group's sales and production volumes decreased compared to the same period last year due to local and foreign trade restrictions imposed during the global pandemic.

During nine months of 2020 the Group received 190 thousand Eur profit before taxation, the result of the same period of 2019 was 132 thousand Eur profit. Profit of the Group increased due to optimized costs.

Presenting confirmation of the responsible persons of AB “Linas” and interim consolidated not audited financial information of nine months of year 2020.

AB “Linas” chief of finance
Egidijus Mikeliūnas
+370 45 506100


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Tarpinė konsoliduota atskaitomybė už 2020 3ketv. ENG