World Christian Leadership Conference - A Call to All Christian Leaders and Believers

Rally of Hope to Call to All Christian Leaders and Believers: The People of God Must Boldly Stand for Unity and Healing

Washington, DC, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In response to days of turmoil and division in America, the American Clergy Leadership Conference is hosting a two-day online Rally of Hope for the World Christian Leadership Conference to revive and deepen unity among Christian leaders around the world. More than 7,000 clergy have registered for the program, which will also be streamed to an expected global audience of more than 100,000.

The World Christian Leadership Conference Rally of Hope will convene online as a two-day virtual event at 12:00 PM (EST) on Friday, December 4, 2020. It will continue at 12:00 PM on Saturday, December 5, 2020, and end with Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's keynote message at 6:00 PM (EST).

Featured speakers include Bishop Noel Jones of the City of Refuge Los Angeles; Pastor Paula White, founder and pastor of the City of Destiny and spiritual advisor to President Trump, and mega-church pastor, Bishop Don Meares of Evangel Cathedral, among other prominent Christian and spiritual leaders.

They are joining together to pray for peace and calling faith leaders to overcome the divisions of race, religion and culture bringing healing and unity to America and the world.  Bishop Noel Jones said, “Dr. Moon has a special gift from God to bring unity, because she genuinely loves all people from every background and considers them family. That’s why I was inspired to call her ‘The Mother of Peace’.” 

Dr. Moon founded the World Christian Leadership Conference in December 2019, and participated with hundreds of clergy at its first global convocation in New York and New Jersey. Her extensive World Summit series and speaking tour throughout Africa and all continents in 2018-2019 touched millions, including a special visit to Goree Island in Senegal where slaves were sent to the Americas. Her tearful prayers on that site called for a healing of racial division led by Christian believers.

At events in 2020, religious leaders have gathered to discuss ways to find solutions together to help lead people to resolve world problems. One of the great hopes and expectations for the World Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. Moon has said, is for its members and allies to "become the righteous people, clergymen and clergywomen, and leaders who can guide people to become children of our Heavenly Parent."

WCLC Executive Committee organizers, Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings, Jr. of Imani Temple and Dr. Luonne Rouse ACLC Co-Chairman predict another “great awakening is occurring in the world today.

Dr. Moon and other global peacemakers face a Goliath of a task in restoring a God-centered America, "but God would not allow a Goliath to be in our path if He did not know there was a David in each of us," Dr. Luonne Rouse, co-chair of the American Clergy Leadership Conference, said in February at an event for the World Christian Leadership Conference.


Details of the Dec. 4-5 convocation sessions are available at

For press inquiries, contact: Joshua Holmes at (714) 398- 9602.


World Christian Leadership Conference Rally of Hope and Convocation 2020


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