New book aims to puts world-changing events and their perpetrators in perspective through a historical lens

Michael B. Hammer examines various facets of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in ‘The Dot on the I in History’

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C., Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Michael B. Hammer casts light on the problems in the Middle East, in particular between the Palestinians and the Israelis, a problem that also involves the Arabs and Islam, in his book titled “The Dot on the I in History: Of Gentiles and Jews—A Hebrew Odyssey Scrolling the Internet” (published by Lulu).


Presenting an expose of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the book is against Zionist bigotry which the author contends is stoking the fire of anti-Semitism worldwide. Hammer urges the speedy end to the military occupation of Palestine and a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is beginning to morph into yet another conflict between Christianity and Islam. Agreeing that the post-Babylon part of the Bible is among the earliest attempts at recording history, the book chronicles history as seen by a goy (gentile) looking for the contribution of the Jews. It launches a new idea that suggests the Jewish Sopher as the inventor of the alphabet.


“The knowledge of history is essential to understanding different cultures, the lack of which is a major cause of conflicts between peoples. The origins of Jew-bashing can be attributed, in part, to the lack of appreciation for their contribution to the civilization of the West,” Hammer says. “Anyone and everyone interested in world peace should read this book, or risk having one’s children and/or grandchildren sent to ‘fight for freedom.’”


“The Dot on the I in History” is available for purchase online at the Archway link above, at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon at:


“The Dot on the I in History”

By Michael B. Hammer

Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 526 pages | ISBN 9781483427010

E-Book | 526 pages | ISBN 9781483427003

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Michael B. Hammer was born in British West Africa during World War II to Lebanese and Spanish parents. He attended Catholic missionary primary and secondary schools. He studied civil engineering at Belgrade University in the former Yugoslavia on a scholarship awarded by veterans of World War II.

Lulu empowers people of all ages to explore and express their interests, passions and expertise through books, photography and art. Since introducing self-publishing in 2002, Lulu has empowered creators in more than 225 countries and territories to produce nearly two million publications. Lulu Jr. allows children to become published authors, encouraging creativity, strengthening literacy and building self-esteem. offers professional photography of collegiate and professional sports, memorable and historic events, fine art and home décor. For more information, please visit


