Change to the Board

To Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S

Public announcement no. 486
January 7th, 2021


Due to the resigning of employee elected BoD member Kristian Kvistgaard from Glunz & Jensen - Kristian Kvistgaard will also resign as member of the Board of Directors in Glunz & Jensen Holding A/S by no later than January 31st, 2021.

Due to the upcoming new election of employee elected Board of Directors members by May 2021, it has been decided that employee elected Board of Director member Stig Nedergaard will continue as sole employee elected Board of Director member until the annual general meeting on June 30th, 2021.

For further information please contact:

CEO Martin Overgaard Hansen: phone +45 22 60 84 05
Chairman of the board Flemming Nyenstad Enevoldsen: phone +45 40 43 13 03


Pièces jointes

OMX_486 Resigning of board member