Marks one of the Biggest Community Partner Investments to Date

Cheyenne, Wyoming, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CHEYENNE, WY. — The Blue Foundation, the foundational giving arm of Blue Federal Credit Union, has given one of its largest gifts in the past 3 years to Rocky Mountain Junior Achievement.  This marks the second year that Blue has supported Junior Achievement (JA).


“We are incredibly grateful for the generous funding we’ve received from the Blue Foundation the last two years in support of our middle and high school financial literacy programs”, says Elizabeth Winn, District Director of JA Northern Colorado & Wyoming.  “What’s so great about the JA and Blue partnership is our shared passion for promoting financial literacy to students—making sure they have the personal financial knowledge necessary to effectively meet personal fiscal challenges and obligations, take advantage of economic opportunities and plan courses of action to achieve goals. Blue has truly made and continues to make, a valuable impact in and out of the classroom.”


Throughout 2020, COVID-19 restrictions prevented volunteers from teaching JA programs in-person in schools. With those parameters in mind, Blue employees worked to find opportunities to make an impact with Colorado and Wyoming students by providing recorded content for the JA Economics for Success program.


The content will be available to schools and teachers on-demand throughout both states. The videos are centered around topics such as insurance, credit cards, balanced budgets, and more. Junior Achievement that around 300 students will have the opportunity to learn from the curriculum, a significant increase in exposure compared to a normal in-person setup. 


“Junior Achievement’s values and curriculum align perfectly with the purpose of the Blue Foundation,” says Rob Dafoe Blue Foundation President. “We are excited to continue and grow our relationship with the JA team and bring financial education opportunities to schools in both Wyoming and Colorado.”


JA Kids Thank Blue For the donation!

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01-JA 2021 Sponsorship Press Release.pdf


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