MamboServer Transitions From CMS to Hub for Expert Web Hosting Reviews and Comparisons

NEW YORK, Feb. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The team behind MamboServer announced that it is moving away from CMS development in order to transform the platform into an industry-leading hub for expert web hosting reviews, comparisons, and guides.

The value of a fast website in this day and age cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have demonstrated time and time again that users are unlikely to stick around on a website that takes too long to load or is routinely experiencing downtime. But finding hosting providers that can deliver on their promise of improving the performance of your website is no simple task if you’re not familiar with how these companies operate. This is where MamboServer comes in.

Formerly the home of Mambo CMS, a now discontinued open-source content management system that rivaled even the likes of WordPress and was instrumental in the creation of Joomla, has recently transitioned to a slightly different niche – web hosting. The platform doesn’t provide web hosting services itself, but rather, tests and reviews companies that deal in these types of services.

MamboServer is comprised of a team of experts whose sole purpose is to provide an unbiased look at the web hosting industry. The team, which includes veteran programmers, software engineers, and experienced writers, aims to create informative and easily digestible content designed to help users find the best web hosting service for their specific needs.

“We have used countless hosting services over the years to power our personal websites but we are well aware that most of our users are new to the world of web hosting,” said Robert Snow, co-founder of MamboServer. “Users want to know exactly what they’re getting in exchange for their money without having to deal with the convoluted technical jargon often used by hosting providers. Our mission is to help users understand what they’re buying and figure out if that service is indeed the best choice for them and their websites. Sometimes the first choice is not always the best, but we have plenty of in-depth content that will allow them to find the perfect alternative.”

Equally important as the content is the platform that MamboServer was built upon. In order to demonstrate that they their knowledge extends beyond the theoretical, the MamboServer team set up to create the fastest and most efficient website in its particular niche. After months of coding, tweaking, and personally testing a wide variety of hosting providers, the team managed to put together a platform that is now unrivalled by its competitors in terms of performance.

In January of 2021 the team conducted a series of performance tests on and nine other leading websites that specialize in web hosting industry coverage. In an attempt to keep things as objective as possible, MamboServer’s experts tested each website using the exact same method and an identical set of performance testing tools, which included the likes of GTMetrix, Pingdom, and Google PageSpeed Insights.

As can been seen in the graph found on their website, MamboServer came out on top during most of the tests and was overall the fastest of the lot. By quite a significant margin, too.

“These performance tests are not meant to disparage our competitors,” clarified the CEO. “We only wanted to show that we can create a highly optimized website using not just our knowledge but also the tools and features offered by our hosting provider. Web hosting is just as important for us as it is for most of our users. That’s why we never recommend services that we wouldn’t use ourselves.”

You can visit this page if you want to learn more about MamboServer’s expert step-by-step testing and reviewing process for web hosting providers.

