Life-Changing Guidebook Introduces A Healthy Way to Overcome Chronic Muscle Inflammation

Author Kathrin M Allen takes readers on her health journey and provides helpful tools in ‘How I Cured My Chronic Muscle Inflammation. In Just 29 Days!’

SYDNEY, March 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There are so many individuals who suffer chronic muscle inflammation. In Kathrin M Allen’s debut book, “How I Cured My Chronic Muscle Inflammation. In Just 29 Days!” she illustrates how she overcame this suffering by changing her lifestyle for the better. Allen walks readers through her health experiment that ultimately led her to beat inflammation. Readers will be astonished to learn how making simple health choices can turn into extraordinary results.

Throughout the guidebook, Allen addresses the years of pain she was living in where she felt like there was no way to find relief. She wanted to find a holistic method to overcome her chronic muscle inflammation and tried everything possible. Readers will be enlightened by Allen’s physical, mental and spiritual discovery that cured her in just 29 days.  

“I decided to take accountability for my own healing and embarked on a journey over the next 12 months,” said Allen. “My goal was to discover holistic support systems that would enable me to live my best life. My story will show readers that you can cure chronic muscle inflammation by making lifestyle choices that support your body. This way of living with pain does not have to be your ‘normal.’”

Allen’s routine will inspire individuals to take the right steps to improve their health beyond what they may think is imaginable. She paints a helpful path for fellow sufferers to a pain-free way of life. By the end of the book, readers will understand what one must do to overcome chronic muscle inflammation and how they can turn their lives around in under 30 days.

“How I Cured My Chronic Muscle Inflammation. In Just 29 Days!”
By Kathrin M Allen
ISBN: 978-1-5043-2374-1 (softcover); 978-1-5043-2375-8 (electronic)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author
Kathrin Allen is thriving in her Bayside Victoria community in Australia. Having journeyed through a 10-year transition state that started with the death of her beloved Mum, Kathrin has survived divorce and two career changes. In 2020 she launched her own business and now wants to share her message with the world, "We all have the power to choose.

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“How I Cured My Chronic Muscle Inflammation. In Just 29 Days!”
By Kathrin M Allen


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