Circular economy: algoWatt partner in the Efficacity project for efficient waste collection and reuse

Circular economy: algoWatt partner in the Efficacity project for efficient waste collection and reuse

  • Total funding of approximately EUR 1 million for a multi-service, cloud-based ICT platform for the recycling and reuse of bulky solid waste in the urban area of the Genoa metropolitan area
  • The research project will be coordinated by AMIU and will involve 8 industrial partners. The company will provide its know-how in the cleantech industry

algoWatt S.p.A., GreenTech Solutions Company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (MTA), announces that the project "Efficacity - Intelligent and efficient optimisation of the process of reuse and collection of waste in urban areas", coordinated by AMIU Genoa and in which the company is an industrial partner, has been financed.
The Efficacity project, with a total value of around Euro 2 million, received funding of over Euro 1 million from the 2020 call of the POR FESR 2014-2020 - Axis 1 - Action 1.2.4 - Poles of Research and Innovation. Support for the realisation of complex projects of research and development activities for the enterprises aggregated to the Poles of Research and Innovation, following the approval by Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico - FI.L.S.E. S.p.A., a technical entity that supports and assists the Liguria Region and the other Ligurian territorial entities in the planning, definition and implementation of policies and interventions in support of the Ligurian economic system.
The algoWatt Research & Innovation team (share of the funding of approximately Euro 0.2 million), in partnership with the coordinator Amiu (Azienda Multiservizi e d'Igiene Urbana of Genoa) and 7 other industrial companies, will participate in the design and development of the management and planning system for the collection of bulky solid waste, data management for the optimisation of the loading of collection vehicles and the storage of bulky items, algorithms for the dynamic planning of collection missions. algoWatt will also be able to provide to the cluster of companies involved in the project with its know-how in the cleantech and environmental industry, based on its many years of experience in the management of resource recovery and material recycling plants.   
The Efficacity project proposes the study, development and validation of a multi-service and cloud-based ICT platform for multi-parameter optimisation of bulky solid waste collection and management in the Genoa metropolitan area. Complementary innovative technologies are applied for the recycling and reuse of bulky solid waste with a view to circular economy and environmental sustainability, favouring virtuous and self-sustainable dynamics in the already optimised standard process.

This press release is available on the Company's website

algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for energy and natural resource management in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. The Company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sector focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility. algoWatt is the result of the merger of TerniEnergia, a leading company in the renewable energy and environmental industry, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with over 40 years of experience for customers operating in the energy, industry and transport sectors. The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation for more than 12% of turnover, operates with an efficient corporate organization, focused on the following markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analysis, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, shared and on demand. Different markets, a single focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A..

For further info:

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Tel. +39 0744 7581Tel. +39 0744 7581Tel. +39 02 4547 3883/4
filippo.calisti@algowatt.comMobile +39 340


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