New Memoir Takes Readers Inside Woman’s Role as Caregiver to her Elderly Parents

‘Eggs on the Wall… For the Love of Family’ by Donna Jean Gerrier spotlights the highs and lows of unconditional love, the inevitable effects of age, and the power of humor in the face of change

SASKATOON, Canada, March 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There comes a time when age forces children to swap roles with their parents and provide the same love and care their guardians showed them in their youth. When Donna Jean Gerrier accepted the extraordinary call to become the primary caregiver for her elderly parents in their time of need, she had no idea the lessons that would at times overwhelm her with brute force. In her debut memoir, “Eggs on the Wall… For the Love of Family,” Gerrier paints an intimate portrait of her experiences and shares how sacrifice, responsibility, and compassion have become the tenants of her new relationship with her parents. 


Gerrier’s mother, Isabelle, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis and her father, Punch, diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, cared for his wife Isabelle until he suffered a stroke, leaving them both immobile. Gerrier, an only child, left her study of classical vocal performance and her thriving career as a speech-language pathologist in the cosmopolitan Toronto area to return to the small prairie town where she grew up to take on the responsibility and privilege of being the main caregiver for her parents. By their side is their playful and lovable dog, Sir Samwell, as their days were filled with handling health care bureaucracy, managing her parents’ high-level care, and managing the finances. Scattered throughout the book are captivating stories of the family’s involvement in life-threatening events, run-ins with the law and even espionage.


Understanding that long-term care (LTC) homes are not always the answer, found within the book are helpful resources for those who are considering caregiving to keep their family members at home. Also included is advice on what questions to ask when having to choose a LTC facility, together with a guide for the caregiver. There are numerous references detailing various topics at the back of the book to assist readers.


Gerrier’s decision to become a caregiver, despite the difficulties, led the family on unforgettable escapades that demanded courage, responsibility, and never-ending respect for each other. Sharing a wholesome, moving story of the value of family, “Eggs on the Wall… For the Love of Family” beautifully details a journey filled with love, happiness, and many laughs.


Addressing the difficulties of giving up career aspirations to be there for her parents, Gerrier expresses how caregiving is definitely the greatest honour that one can possibly receive and how she is indebted to this experience because it taught her that fulfillment comes from taking care of those who have taken care of us.


“Eggs on the Wall . . . For the Love of Family”

By Donna Jean Gerrier

ISBN: 9781452598789 (softcover); 9781452598802 (hardcover); 9781452598796 (electronic)

Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the author

Donna Jean Gerrier is a retired speech-language pathologist who has a passion for the performing arts. She received her BA in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from the University of North Dakota and her MA in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from Western Washington State University. She also attended the London Academy of Dramatic Arts in England. Her dedication to the arts was recognized when she received the Canadian Governor General’s Medal for classical singing. Gerrier is passionate about ending violence towards animals and facilitated a pet-loss support group for many years. Gerrier discusses the human-animal bond connection and provides online resources in her debut book, “Eggs on the Wall . . . For the Love of Family.” Gerrier states “an animal touches you deep within your soul where no human being can possibly reach or trod. Their loyalty is more valuable than guilted gold.” She also strongly advocates for woman’s rights and empowerment through the promotion of stronger laws regarding their safety and rights. Her strong convictions and fierce determination, inherited from her parents, assisted her to survive a near-fatal automobile accident, which resulted in the severing of her left arm at the elbow. Following seven months in the hospital and two years of rehabilitation to learn how to walk and write again, she fought relentlessly not to be placed in a nursing home and won the long and determined battle. To learn more, please visit

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