New book narrates the true story of a repeat sexual assault survivor who turned her loses into life lessons

Aniyaah Grace marks her publishing debut with the release of ‘MIS: Devil, You Missed!’

LAKEWAY, Texas, March 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Debuting author Aniyaah Grace reveals her story as a repeat sexual assault victim within the pages of “MIS: Devil, You Missed!” (published by Balboa Press). In this book, she inspires readers with her personal account of hardship, trauma, finding herself and gaining triumph.


“My inspiration derives from my three beautiful daughters who are growing up fearlessly. I want to be the voice of transparency & reason that I sorely missed as an adoscelent,” Grace states. “I desire to empower young women to own their voice. Don’t be silent or silenced especially concerning your own boundaries & standards.”


“MIS: Devil, You Missed!” shows readers how an unexpected survivor turned her loses into life lessons. In today’s society where black women’s voices are often diminished, the author reminds readers the importance of never being silenced. By sharing her story, she hopes ladies are encouraged to press forward in their pursuit to become their best selves shamelessly. Her journey serves as proof that the road may be scary and unpredictable — but possible.


When asked what she wants readers to take away from the book, Grace says, “Always listen to your God given intuition and don't wait to move, move weight. Weight can be described as anyone or anything that prevents you from moving forward and onward.”


Visit to purchase a copy and know more.


“MIS: Devil, You Missed!”

By Aniyaah Grace

Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 84 pages | ISBN 9781982265045

Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 84 pages | ISBN 9781982265038

E-Book | 84 pages | ISBN 9781982265052

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

As a veteran, military brat, wife, mother of three, stepmother of three, and an evangelist, Aniyaah Grace tenaciously serves the needs of women in the areas of encouragement and sound strategy to help them balance the challenges of work, family and ministry. As a firm believer in “the truth will set us free,” Grace honestly, humbly and transparently shares her many versatile life experiences with anyone who may benefit from them. Through her writing and speaking, she unveils the strategies she has used throughout her life to overcome unexpected hardships all while walking in faith. Grace has earned a bachelor's degree in theology, and two master’s degrees all while be a full time mother, wife and employee. “MIS: Devil, You Missed!” is her first published book.

Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. – a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with the worldwide self-publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 844-682-1282 today.




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