Mohammed Ali Rashid and ENTEXS Streamline Extraction Industry

Diamond Springs, California, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohammed Ali Rashid, the CEO and founder of ENTEXS Corporation, has been working diligently to make the extraction process more efficient and available to every profession that can benefit from this extraordinary technology.   

With its hands-free design and its continuous feed extraction system, processors and cultivators alike are able to streamline their process quicker and produce higher quality products.  

The primary purpose of creating ENTEXS was to bring companies an alternative for extracting cannabis through a fast, clean, and precise process. It allows companies to reduce or eliminate any human errors and be completely free of contaminants. 

Mohammed Ali Rashid wanted to bring more focus on providing a hands-free automated system that works more efficiently with less involvement. 

ENTEXS consists of a team of highly skilled professionals that also includes some of the world’s finest industry experts.

Throughout their research and studies, Mohammed Ali Rashid and the ENTEXS team were able to develop an extraction solution that eliminates the use of multiple subsystems.    

This streamlining development with cutting-edge technology is appealing to businesses throughout the US and beyond due to the environmentally friendly MIDI and its ability to limit human interaction within the extraction process. 

The Extraction Process

The extraction process through the years relied on many people’s involvement during the actual extraction of cannabis or any other plant or element.

This was leading to unnecessary contamination, lesser quality, more work hours, and an entire host of potential safety risks and hazards.     

Mohammed Ali Rashid found a way to streamline this process and make the extraction more efficient with a fully automated process that extracts the oils from the plant without compromising its quality. 

This is a massive breakthrough for the many people who rely on cannabis products as a means of functioning in life.  

It has also helped many manufacturers reduce their overall costs by the use of fewer labor hours and the ability to produce higher quality products. 

The streamlining of the extraction process has significantly reduced the number of interactions needed throughout the extraction process. 

Customer Satisfaction  

EXTEXS is an industry leader when it comes to the extraction process. They have developed the right tools to change the way the industry extracts plants and other sources. 

But they have also been very successful in building relationships with businesses through their firm belief that with every new beginning comes an opportunity to help grow awareness. 

They offer their customers full support from the very beginning and are a constant force behind every extraction success. 

It’s no surprise that many brands are raving about ENTEXS’ incredibly-designed MIDI system and how much more efficient their businesses are running. 

Wrapping Up 

Mohammed Ali Rashid is a brilliant extractor who was able to reinvent the extraction process with his creative plan for streamlining cannabis extractions in some of the most efficient and productive ways.

Companies worldwide choose to work with ENTEXS because the synergistic goals are aligned with producing a more cost-effective, higher quality product with less impact on the environment.

