True Cause of Gravity Revealed Through Reality Physics in New Book

Author Jeff Lee explores the impact the study of gravity has on our understanding of our universe in ‘Action Gravity: The True Cause of Gravity Revealed’

TEMECULA, Calif., March 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over 400 years ago, Galileo changed the world by proving that the earth orbits the sun. This discovery not only paved the way towards a reveal of the true action of the planet through space, but it also opened our eyes to the fact that the universe is much more active than was imagined. Galileo brought upon an understanding of how we interact with space, but what about time and its relation to the true cause of gravity? Author Jeff Lee utilizes his extensive research of his new typic of physics, reality physics, to explore the holy grail of all scientific revelation in his new book, “Action Gravity: The True Cause of Gravity Revealed.”


This book is a study of the fundamental nature of objective physical reality using no theories, hypotheses or speculation of any kind, but only proven facts that fit within a system of previously proven mathematical inter-actability correctly describing all of the observable actions and configurations within the universe. Through the study of reality physics, Lee has been able to reveal that gravity is not curved or warped space, or spacetime, as previously believed but is the implosive motion of the inertial reference background of the universe down through space at the object's surface.


Exploring what gravity is and what configuration of space, time, mass and energy is necessary to allow gravity to exist at all, Lee examines how gravity is an "immediate action", and therefore it must be caused by an "immediate action”. The author believes that by knowing the cause of gravity, we as a society can now answer many other questions about the universe like what is the cause of inertia, what is the origin of force, what is the real reason as to why matter has mass and what is the interconnection between gravity and centrifugal acceleration?


“The mantra of reality physics is that: the inevitable truth is, the truth is inevitable,” says Lee. “I hope that this examination of gravity encourages readers to explore the most important question in all of physics.”


“Action Gravity: The True Cause of Gravity Revealed” further allows readers to elaborate on Galileo's discovery and, 400 years later, to expose the true cause of gravity as the ability of mass to cause a resistance to the active, two-dimensional, outward motion of time with space. An incredible, newfound discovery to share with the scientific community, Lee’s contributions to the study of gravity make for an extraordinary read for those interested in discovering the truths of our universe.


“Action Gravity: The True Cause of Gravity Revealed”

By Jeff Lee

ISBN: 9781665701846 (softcover); 9781665701853 (electronic)

Available at the Archway Publishing Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the author

Jeff Lee is an experienced author who has studied at Pasadena City College, Wake Tech, North Carolina State University, Golden West College, UCLA, Berkeley and Marin College to study reality physics, a new form of physics he developed that describes the universe as being much more active than the present-day version. Retired from his career as a Computer Engineer, his other publications include “Aether: The Speed of Time Through Space”, “Frozen Light”, “Nonlinear Time Motion and the Cause of Gravity”, “The Reality of Physics”, “The God Cipher” and “Action Gravity”. To learn more, please visit


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