Minneapolis, MN, March 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leapgen, a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work, defines a Whole Person Approach to Digital Transformation. Digital acceleration of the Human Resources function, workforce experience, and business transformation strategies demand a human-centered approach. For the first time, business needs to internalize the meaning and value of a Whole Person Approach to Digital Transformation when it comes to designing experiences with intent, fueling transformation with change enablement, and realizing sustained business outcomes.


Leapgen issued a rallying cry at the Spring HR Technology Conference & Exposition. “What has changed from 2020 to 2021,” explains Jason Averbook, CEO and Co-Founder of Leapgen, “is a focus on purpose and a focus on people. How do we link day-to-day-work with our larger purpose?” A modern, elevated workforce experience boosts employee morale, drives engagement, increases performance, accelerates business, and retains both talent and customers. Bolting workforce experience to organizational purpose and business outcomes requires a Whole Person Approach to experience design.

“Until now,” explains Jess Von Bank, Head of Marketing at Leapgen, “organizations have been building HR programs, services, and technology to support Human Resources and the business. Each of those approaches is undergoing incredible transformation; elevating our experience of work requires a drastically different approach, one that puts people at the center. This is the Humanization of Work movement, and it’s incredibly important to people and incredibly good for business.”


In healthcare, whole person care refers to coordinated services to address not just physical and medical needs but social and behavioral health needs, too. It’s a multi-pronged, integrated approach to drive overall patient health outcomes because any qualified medical professional understands a person cannot be fully well without addressing the broadest spectrum of health. 

This not only improves outcomes, it allows for more effective coordination of resources to drive optimal wellness. Errors are reduced, mistakes are avoided, opportunities for exponential improvement can be identified, and desired outcomes can be realized faster.

A Whole Person Approach to Digital Transformation takes the same integrated and holistic approach by defining five critical areas of wellbeing: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. Supporting each area of individual and collective wellbeing requires designing relevant workforce experiences at moments that matter, frictionless and personalized delivery of HR programs and services, and inclusive organizational cultures to ensure each member of your workforce can thrive at work. 


Putting people at the center of your workforce experience and technology strategies should be the only imperative of HR in 2021. Whether you’re designing a fully remote, hybrid, or return-to-work experience, every organization should be designing an human-centered experience for one common denominator: The Digital Workplace.

Leapgen explained this business imperative in Jason Averbook’s recent keynote for Spring HR Technology Conference: Whole Person Approach to Digital Transformation. The firm also offers methodologies and a toolkit for Data-Driven Experience Design in an upcoming digital event, hosted on April 21 and free to register. Contact Leapgen for support on workforce experience design, reconfiguring HR operations and service delivery to better support the Now of Work, and Digital Transformation for HR.


Leapgen is a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work. Highly respected as a visionary partner to organizations looking to design and deliver a digital workforce experience that will produce valued outcomes, Leapgen helps enterprise leaders rethink how to better design and deliver workforce services and architect HR technology solutions that meet the expectations of workers and the needs of the business. Contact us to get started.

