Couples Rehab Completes Guide For Inpatient Drug Rehab in Anaheim

ANAHEIM, Calif., April 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Anaheim drug rehabs prepare for a surge of new admissions, as the coronavirus levels appear to be lowering nationwide. Many struggling addicts have avoided care because of COVID-19 general fears, travel restrictions, limited resources, or some combination of all of them.  

As the country seems to be rounding a corner in the pandemic, inpatient and outpatient Anaheim rehab centers are getting ready for a busy summer. As more and more Americans receive their vaccinations, people will start to get back to normal. Unfortunately, there are individuals that suffer from substance abuse that have been putting off treatment because of fears of traveling & health worries. Their wait to any type of normalcy, has been compounded with struggling with an addiction. Many have put off help, from fears stemming from the virus and sadly many have not survived the wait.  

The recent pandemic has forced many indoors for long periods of time and unemployment numbers were the highest they have been in years. This caused many individuals to increase their drug use, or for some, a relapse.  

We have two simultaneous health tragedies occurring, between Covid-19 and our mental health crisis, and have yet to fully understand the impact of either. According to Orange County, CA COVID-19 case count has the city of Anaheim with the second highest number of total cases with 41527. Second to only Santa Ana which currently has 44564 total cases. Over the pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control tracked 32,000 deaths from synthetic opioids last year, primarily fentanyl. They are forecasting deaths will jump more than 26% this year, to some of 46,000.  

Fentanyl has been an increasing problem throughout the United States, even prior to the coronavirus hitting America. Fentanyl is an inexpensive, artificial opioid that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine that is pouring into California over the Mexican border, masquerading as other drugs, and leaving devastation in its wake. 

With this horrific surge in overdose deaths from fentanyl, impacting every community in the nation, one California state Senator from Laguna Niguel, Pat Bates, has decided to take legislative action. On Dec. 15th, of last year Bates re-introduced a Bill that would address the issue through a directive to the California's Attorney General, mandating his office with the task of formulating a plan of how to gain control of the fentanyl plaguing our country and to also explore viable programs and craft meaningful options to address it going forward. 

This Bill, has been written in the same language as an earlier legislative effort targeting methamphetamine, that had shown success. Senate Bill 75 would require the A.G.'s office to develop and chair a "Southern California Fentanyl Task Force," with its mission being to improve police coordination, advise changes to the law, and to formulate a state-wide awareness program to educate the public to its danger. It would cover the hard-hit counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. 

This new bill is the latest version of a concept Bates had originally presented for consideration back in March 2020, was sidelined as the Legislature shifted to the pandemic. A year later, as our nation adapts, it appears Legislators hope to accomplish a major overhaul of the addiction treatment facilities this next year. 

In California, the toll has been very unsettling. There were 104 fentanyl-related overdose deaths in 2014; quadruple that in 2017 (431); and practically quadruple that in 2019 (1,513). Officials anticipate fentanyl-related deaths to increase to some 1,900 in California in 2020. 

For individuals, or those in a relationship that want to enter a couples rehab, there are centers in Anaheim California that can assist them. These centers follow strict guidelines issued by the state of California about COVID-19, and how they should proceed.  

To find out more about how to enter a drug rehab in Orange County, or to speak with a representative from an addiction helpline, use the contact information provided. 

Contact: William Leonard
Organization: Couples Rehabs
Address: 4231 Balboa Avenue #1125 San Diego, CA 92117
Phone: 888-325-2454