Tahi Manuka Honey, A Superfood for Health, Now is Available on OneLavi.com

100 Percent Pure Tahi Manuka Honey Used for Centuries in Traditional Remedies Now Available in the U.S.

PALM BEACH, FL, April 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tahi Honey, the makers of 100 percent pure Manuka honey, which has been used for centuries in traditional remedies, is now available on OneLavi.com, a popular health and wellness site.

Manuka is the superfood of honey because it contains a higher concentration of methylglyoxal, which is its antibacterial component.

Craig says people use Manuka honey for many reasons in addition to its culinary benefits.

In addition to OneLavi. Com carrying Tahi Honey, the New Zealand enterprise has had a lot to celebrate.

Luxury Lifestyle Awards recently named Tahi Honey the Best Luxury Honey in the world.

“Not only are we expanding into the U.S. market, but we received the Best Luxury Honey, which is a great honor,” Craig says.

“Going forward, we are excited about 2021 because we are entering the world’s best consumer market,” Craig says. “OneLavi.com is just one of the first retail outlets we hope will carry our 100 percent pure Manuka honey products.

Tahi honey varieties available on OneLavi.com include:

  • Tahi Manuka Multifloral Honey MGO 80+, 400gm, which has a sweet, smooth and mildly tangy taste.
  • Tahi Manuka lozenges, which has a delicious soothing with a sweet yet slightly tangy taste. Tahi Manuka honey lozenges are 100 percent pure with no added water, sugar, or anything artificial.
  • Tahi UMF 5+ 250gm Manuka honey, certified as authentic New Zealand Manuka honey, containing all the unique and natural properties that make Manuka honey popular worldwide.
  • Tahi Beelicious Honey (Bee) 250gm/400gm, which has a tasty blend that kids will love.

Tahi is more than a honey company.

In 2004, Craig bought a run-down cattle farm in northern New Zealand and turned it into a nature sanctuary and eco-retreat. Since then, Tahi has restored 74 acres of wetlands, planted more than 349,000 native trees, and created a buzzing honey business.

“We are an ecologically conscious nature sanctuary that makes the world’s best luxury Manuka honey,” she adds. “We use all of our profits from every jar of Tahi honey to support Tahi’s community, culture, and conservation projects.”

Ensuring all honey is exactly what it says on the jar, the honey is packed on site at Tahi and all their honey is certified by the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) rating, a scientifically developed scale for rating Manuka honey's potency. The UMF rating puts consumers at ease the Manuka honey they are buying is 100 percent pure. Manuka honey, which also contains a high nutritional content and low-fat content, comes from bees that pollinate the native Manuka bush in New Zealand.

“We are proud of our 100 percent pure Manuka honey,” Craig says. “We are looking forward to introducing the world’s best luxury honey to our American consumers.”

To purchase Tahi, visit OneLavi.com.

* Oxford University study, August 2020: honey beats antibiotics and other over-the-counter medications for relieving coughs, sore throats, and colds.




Tahi honey varieties that are available on VitaBeauti.com include: 1) Beelicious Honey MGO 40+ is sweet, creamy, and tasty with subtle flavors of native forest flowers, including Manuka. 2) Tahi Manuka Multifloral Honey MGO 80+, which has a sweet, smooth, and mildly tangy taste. 3) Tahi UMF Manuka Honeys, certified as authentic New Zealand Manuka honey, contains all the unique and natural properties that make Manuka honey popular worldwide.
