2021 Developer Marketing Survey Report: Virtual Conference Do's and Don'ts from the Developer's Point of View

Dublin, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Developer Marketing Survey Report 2021" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Electronic voting machines use software and are often connected to the internet. This is the perfect scenario for a hacker to exploit the technology. Developers (and hackers) weighed in on the topic of election hacking during comprehensive interviews conducted of English-speaking developers worldwide. The result of these interviews found that 82% of developers worldwide agree that electronic voting machines are hackable. So, if voting machines are hackable, are hackers interested enough in manipulating elections to actually hack voting machines? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

More than 77% of the worldwide developer population believe hackers are trying to manipulate elections. A little over two-thirds of developers believe that hackers have indeed successfully manipulated elections. This, of course, is incredibly alarming. Hackers around the globe concluded that there is very little that can be done to avoid hacking electronic voting machines. Their only recommendation is for all voting machines to produce a paper record.

These findings, along with other statistically sound insights, can be found in this Developer Marketing Survey Report. The report gives a comprehensive view of the attitudes, adoption patterns and intentions of those actively involved with developing a variety of applications. The Developer Marketing Survey Report consists of in-depth interviews conducted with active, English-speaking developers providing a margin of error of 4.9%. With a margin of error of less than 5%, the findings from the report are statistically representative of the global developer population.

This tactical survey contains actionable information on what types of marketing work and what media is most effective in marketing to developers. The topics of online marketing, ads, industry thought leadership, purchasing authority, motivations and influences, developer outreach, social media, education, events, optimizing search engine marketing, online community participation, evaluating software and purchasing, etc. are all explored with developers. This report provides information that is highly valuable for making decisions about future product direction as well as for product positioning, messaging, and marketing.

This in-depth, survey-driven report contains data and insights straight from developers on:

  • Developer psychographics and demographics
  • Virtual conference do's and don'ts from the developer's point of view
  • Home office and remote team dynamics
  • Creating compelling advertising
  • Designing effective content
  • Effective means of outreach
  • Using social media to recruit developers
  • Effective use of email marketing, newsletters and blogs
  • Gaining visibility through developer-oriented websites

Key Topics Covered:

Developer Demographics

  • Involvement in Software Development
  • Developer Segment
  • Job Description
  • Age
  • Years Experience
  • Education
  • Gender
  • Trend: Gender
  • Views on Women Developers
  • Racial Composition of Developer Population
  • Marital Status
  • Developer Psychographics
  • Developers' Dream Jobs as Children
  • Common Hobbies for Developers
  • Developers Motivation for Becoming Developers
  • How Developers Gained their Technical Skills
  • Where Do Developers See Themselves in Five Years?
  • Evolution as Critical to Development Success
  • Most Interesting Topics for Developers
  • How to Tap into a Developer's Passion
  • Top Causes for Donating Time
  • Most Worrisome Problem for Developers' Careers

The Changing Work Environment

  • Company Size
  • Company Age
  • Important Factors in Development Teams
  • Closeness of Teams
  • Jack of All Trades vs. Specialists
  • Opportunity vs. Security
  • Bringing Development Work Home
  • Best Place for Developer Productivity: Home or Office
  • Influence of Working at Home on Productivity
  • Influence of Working in an Office on Productivity
  • Frequency of Sharing Code Internally
  • Collaboration Tool Use

Perceptions of the Technology Landscape

  • Most Exciting Tech Disciplines Today
  • Most Exciting Tech Disciplines in the Future
  • Biggest Annoyance with Tools
  • Biggest Annoyance with Platforms
  • Will Augmented Reality Become the Standard?
  • View on Robotics
  • Would Developers Marry a Robot?
  • Expectations of Quantum Computing's Impact
  • Belief that Voting Machines are Hackable
  • Do Hackers Try to Manipulate Elections?
  • Have Hackers Successfully Manipulated Elections?
  • Perceptions of Deep Fakes on Social Media Sites

Software Evaluations

  • Number of Evaluations Downloaded Last Year
  • Percentage of Evaluations Installed and Evaluated
  • Percentage of Evaluations Purchased
  • Limiting Evaluation Copies
  • Time Spent Evaluating a New Technology Prior to Adoption
  • Suitable Number of Days for Times Bombs
  • Resources Used to Evaluate Tools
  • Importance of Various Factors on Purchase Decisions
  • Most Compelling Product Marketing Tools

Tool Selection and Purchasing

  • Involvement with Purchasing Development Tools
  • Perceptions of Influence on Decision-making
  • Influence of Brand on Tooling Decisions
  • First Considerations in Web Services Use
  • Decision-making for Cloud Services
  • Restrictions on Tool Selection
  • Use of Unsanctioned Tooling
  • Rejection of Management's Purchases
  • Why Are Tools Rejected?
  • Most Common License Structure
  • Purchasing Authority Levels
  • Individual Annual Tools Expenditures
  • Typical Payment Methods
  • Channels for Tool Purchases

Engaging with Developer Communities

  • How Did Developers First Learn about the Communities They're in?
  • Most Used Feature of a Developer Community
  • Contributing Code to the Community
  • Motivations for Contributing Code
  • Venue for Vendor Challenge Contests
  • Desired Length of a Coding Challenge
  • Incentives Motivating Contest Participation

Online Developer Interactions

  • Participation in Developer Websites
  • Most Used Interactive Communication Vehicles
  • Development-specific Social Networking Groups
  • Most Useful Purpose for Twitter
  • Primary Reason Developers Join Social Networking Groups
  • Most Compelling Draw to Development Websites
  • Use of Question and Answer Sites
  • Frequency of Visiting Social Media Sites: For Personal Reason
  • Frequency of Visiting Social Media Sites: For Development Purposes
  • Membership in LinkedIn Groups
  • Most Common Uses of Social Media for Professional Purposes

Creating Compelling Advertising

  • Biggest Pet Peeve in Developer Marketing
  • Responsiveness to In-Stream Ads
  • Advertising Visibility
  • Use of Blocking Software on Devices
  • Sentiment toward SMS or Text-based Ads
  • Preferred Information through SMS
  • What Ads Draw Developers' Interest?
  • What Would Make Developers Click on Web Banner Ads?
  • Location in Search Results
  • Compelling Content in Ads

Designing Effective Content

  • Most Appealing Technical Content
  • Preferred Style of Technical Content
  • Preferred Communication Style
  • Positioning Product Teams as Resources
  • Most Annoying Tool-Related Terms
  • Most Credible Tool-Related Terms
  • Memorable Words Used in Ads
  • Colors Associated with Specific Qualities
  • Views on Marketing Fluff

Outreach and Information Sources

  • Most Effective Outreach Method
  • Most-liked Outreach Method
  • Best Sites for Finding Product Info
  • Best Sites for Deep Dives on Emerging Technologies
  • Best Sites for Reading Entertainment
  • Best Sites for Tech Industry News
  • How Much Information are Developers Willing to Provide Online?
  • Preferred Resources for Sharing Technical Content
  • Most Credible Source on Emerging Technologies
  • Most Likely Information Source for AI and Machine Learning
  • Most Likely Information Source for Cloud Development
  • Most Likely Information Source for Development Techniques and Best Practices
  • Most Likely Information Source for the Internet of Things
  • Primary Reasons for Engaging with Various Marketing Vehicle
  • Rewarding Developers for Site Participation

Information Sources as Instructional Media

  • Most Used Learning Methods for New Techniques
  • Most Valuable Research Resource
  • Top Information Sources for Existing Technologies
  • Most Important Aspects in Instructional Media
  • Likelihood of Sharing Tutorials
  • Preferred Form Factor for Reading Tech Articles
  • Views on Live Coding Streams
  • Frequency of Attending Live Coding Streams
  • Reason for Attending Live Coding Streams

Email, Newsletters and Blogs

  • Blog Posts as Calls to Action
  • Most Frequently Read Development Blogs
  • Primary Reason Developers Check Out Blogs
  • Reasons for Opting into Newsletters or Emails
  • Do Developers Recognize Tracking Links?
  • Will Developers Click on Tracking Links?
  • Reasons for Not Clicking on URLs
  • Best Day of Week to Send Unsolicited Emails
  • Number of Newsletter Subscriptions
  • How Often Should Newsletters Arrive?
  • How Often Do Newsletters Influence Action?
  • Newsletter Subscriptions from Tech Media Sites

Webinars and Videos

  • Number of Webinars Attended in the Past Year
  • Optimum Length for Webinars
  • Sales Effectiveness of Webinars
  • Best Length for Instructional Videos
  • Videos for Case-study Presentations

Conferences and Events: Virtual and In-Person

  • Virtual Conference Attendance
  • Likelihood of Attending In-Person vs Virtual Events in 2021
  • Likelihood of Attending In-Person vs. Virtual Events in 2022
  • Most Recent Virtual Conference Attendance
  • Expectations for Attending Virtual Conferences in 2021
  • Reasons for Bypassing Virtual Conferences
  • Best Thing about Virtual Conferences
  • Most Attractive Elements of a Virtual Conference
  • Optimal Length of a Virtual Conference
  • Best Type of Conference for Specific Goals
  • Attending Vendor Sponsored Events in 2021
  • Multi-day Conferences and Travel
  • Reasons for Avoiding In-Person Trade Shows
  • Video Replays of Conferences

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/gdqwnz

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