algoWatt introduces Energy R.Evolution Billing, a new platform for the digital management of energy and gas billing and multi-utility business

algoWatt introduces Energy R.Evolution Billing, a new platform for the digital management of energy and gas billing and multi-utility business

  • With the ER-BILLING suite, algoWatt provides a tailor-made solution for traders and resellers operating on the free energy market.
  • Accelerating time to market, integrating the customer's business systems, reducing the cost of managing the invoicing process, enhancing customer value with vertical CRM and multi-channel management: these are the strengths of the invoice and metering platform

Energy R.Evolution BILLING (ER-BILLING), the new platform for the management of energy and gas billing and multi-utility business processes developed by algoWatt S.p.A., GreenTech Solutions Company listed on the MTA market, has been launched.
With this new suite, designed for the free energy market, algoWatt returns to the forefront of the “Invoice and Metering” digital products segment, where it has been active for 15 years, enriching the range of solutions dedicated to managing the business processes of multi-utilities, energy and gas traders and resellers.
Addressing an audience that requires accelerated time to market, thanks to data centralisation and vertical solutions, ER-BILLING allows easy integration with the corporate systems used by the customer, thanks to full interoperability, a constant and rapid regulatory compliance, pursuant to a dynamic, flexible and evolutionary architecture.
The platform is designed to manage every single step of the commodity billing process, putting the customer at the heart of the process, through dedicated and fully integrated verticalisations such as the CRM and the Ticketing module.
Its high configurability makes it the ideal choice for multi-utilities that want a solution tailored to their needs and that want to reduce costs and increase productivity through dedicated and integrated processes, such as the sales force management tools and invoice calculation simulators built into the solution.
Energy R.Evolution BILLING also enables dialogue with the authorities thanks to interfacing with the information systems of the various authorities (SII, ARERA, GSE, Terna, etc.), guarantees to accelerate the support process for billing, thanks to simulated billing scenarios, introduces Business flow 4.0 concepts with high automation of business processes and enables full compatibility with Cloud and on-premise infrastructures.
algoWatt puts the customer at the centre of the free energy market player's process and with ER-BILLING provides the ideal answer to the need for integrated management of all contract types and reduction of billing costs.

This press release is available on the Company's website

algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for energy and natural resource management in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. The Company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sector focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility. algoWatt is the result of the merger of TerniEnergia, a leading company in the renewable energy and environmental industry, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with over 40 years of experience for customers operating in the energy, industry and transport sectors. The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation for more than 12% of turnover, operates with an efficient corporate organization, focused on the following markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analysis, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, shared and on demand. Different markets, a single focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A..

Per informazioni:

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algoWatt SpAalgoWatt SpADomenico Gentile, Pietro Autelitano
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Tel. +39 0744 7581Tel. +39 0744 7581Tel. +39 02 4547 3883/4
filippo.calisti@algowatt.comMobile +39 340


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