Free Webcasts This Week - Trust in the Media & Rebuilding Trust in Government

Join us for these power panel discussions

New York, June 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From Trust to Dust: Culture Wars, Tribalism, Partisanship, and the Media

Free Webcast: June 22 @ 11 am ET
Presented by PRophet

This event is hosted by Aaron Kwittken, CEO & Founder of PRophet. In an environment where misinformation, partisanship, and deep fakes abound, the role of the journalist has shifted from observer/reporter to advocate and truth-teller.
This panel discussion will explore why and where these lines are drawn – and what the future will look like as the media work to build trust.

In an environment where divisive culture wars and partisan politics have sharply divided the way the public engages with news and different forms of media, journalists are challenged to not only engage their audiences but also get them on side. 
This panel discussion will explore how trust – or a lack thereof – is reshaping the reporter’s role, and what they can do about it.


  • Frank Sesno, Founder of Planet Forward, Author of Ask More, GWU Professor
  • Eugenia Harvey, Chief DEI Officer / Executive Producer, WNET
  • Edmund Lee, Media Reporter, The New York Times



Rebuilding Public Trust in the Government – Lessons from the Private Sector

Free Webcast: June 24 @ 6 pm ET
Presented by The George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management

What are corporate leaders doing that government communicators can leverage to restore public confidence? This roundtable will share strategic communications tips and tactics that can be useful within the government communications infrastructure. A key focus of the conversation will be the steps necessary to rebuild trust. Discussion topics include:

  • Corporations do a better job in messaging than the government because they don’t “pander” to political interests.
  • What are the lessons that corporations can share with the government?  
  • At the heart of this is the new corporate activism – Corporations have to engage to retain employees and enhance reputation — Financial Performance and Industry leadership is no longer enough.
  • Gen Z is looking for companies that are talking the talk and walking the walk of sustainability and social activism.
  • Can political leaders become trusted again?

The event will be moderated by Lawrence J. Parnell, M.B.A., an award winning Public Relations professional and academic who is an Associate Professor and director of the George Washington University Master’s in Strategic Public Relations program.



