16/2021 Green Hydrogen Systems A/S - Related party transaction

Company announcement 16/2021

Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them in Green Hydrogen Systems’ shares

Kolding, Denmark, 5 July 2021 –  Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation article 19, Green Hydrogen Systems hereby notifies receipt of information of the following transaction, made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in Green Hydrogen Systems and persons closely associated with them in Green Hydrogen Systems’ shares and other financial instruments linked thereto: 

1.Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
a)Name Migo ApS
2.Reason for the notification
a)Position/status Closely associated person to Simon Krogsgaard Ibsen, member of the board of directors of Green Hydrogen Systems A/S
b)Initial notification/amendmentInitial notification
3.Details of the issuer, emission, allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
a)NameGreen Hydrogen Systems A/S
4.Details of the transaction(s):
a)Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument


Identification code




  ISIN: DK0061540341
b)Nature of the transaction Acquisition of shares 

Price(s) and volume(s)

DKK 4033,436
d)Aggregated information
– Aggregated volume
– Price
Average price per share:
Total number of shares:        
Total price:                
DKK 40
DKK  1,337,440
e)Date of the transaction 2 July 2021
f)Place of the transactionOutside a trading venue

For more info please contact:

Investors: Jens Holm Binger, Head of IR, +45 6065 6525, jhb@greenhydrogen.dk

Media: Aleksandra Lozinska, Head of Marketing and Media Relations, +45 4414 0344, alo@greenhydrogen.dk

Green Hydrogen Systems in brief

Green Hydrogen Systems is a clean technology company and a leading provider of standardised and modular electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen solely based on renewable energy. With its wide range of possible applications, green hydrogen plays a key role in the ongoing fundamental shift in our energy systems towards a net-zero emission society in 2050. As a result, the demand for green hydrogen is surging, requiring a significant scale-up of electrolysis capacity. Founded in 2007 and building on more than 10 years of technology development, Green Hydrogen Systems today have a commercially proven and cost-competitive electrolysis technology endorsed by leading green energy companies.

Source: Green Hydrogen Systems
Ticker: GREENH
Tag: Company announcement


Pièces jointes

16_2021 Green Hydrogen Systems - Reporting of transactions