GridGain Continues Strong Momentum in First Half of 2021

FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GridGain® Systems, provider of enterprise-grade in-memory computing solutions powered by the Apache® Ignite® distributed database, today announced continued strong growth for the first half of 2021 across all phases of the company. Key achievements included the 8th consecutive year of revenue growth, 68% growth in sales to new customers, more than 100% growth in new customers for software solutions, and 146% growth in sales to existing customers. GridGain software, and products built with GridGain, are now in use in 90 of the world’s top 100 banks. GridGain also earned multiple accolades and hosted the first worldwide Ignite Summit.

“Companies that best weathered the pandemic did so by accelerating their digital transformation plans, creating increasing demand for GridGain’s market-leading in-memory computing software platform,” said Abe Kleinfeld, president and CEO of GridGain. “We’re seeing growing momentum across most sectors, particularly in financial services, software, retail, and logistics and transportation, where the need for faster processing speed and massive scale is nearly insatiable.”


  • 8th consecutive year of revenue growth
  • 68% increase in sales to new customers
  • 146% growth in customer expansion sales
  • Over 100% growth in the number of new customers for software solutions
  • Strong growth in financial services, software, retail, and logistics and transportation
  • GridGain solutions and products built with GridGain now used in 90 of the top 100 banks in the world

Products, Services and Partnerships

  • Announced an enhanced version of GridGain Control Center available as a cloud service on a subscription basis
  • Partnered with Intel to deliver the industry’s first in-memory computing platform to natively support vectorized computations over Intel Optane persistent memory 200 series (PMem)
  • Developed new training and certification programs for GridGain and Apache Ignite architects and developers
  • Released GridGain 8.8, advancing the platform’s multi-tier database engine to scale beyond available memory capacity and meet growing customer demand – includes improved storage utilization, expanded memory quota for SQL, and enhanced security


In-Memory Computing Thought Leadership
GridGain hosted the first virtual Ignite Summit worldwide conference in May. The conference featured 25 speakers from industry-leading companies including finance, biotech, health & fitness, construction and cloud computing, Hundreds of participants from North America, Latin America, EMEA and APAC enjoyed 15 hours of discussion about how Apache Ignite delivers the performance and scale required to address the world’s most challenging computational and hybrid transactional/analytical processing requirements.

In addition to the Ignite Summit, GridGain increased its zero-contact, in-memory computing thought leadership and education program, hosting or participating in more than 40 webinars, meetups, training sessions and conferences.

Additional Resources

To learn more about the GridGain in-memory computing platform:

About GridGain Systems
GridGain Systems is revolutionizing real-time data access and processing by offering an in-memory computing platform powered by the Apache® Ignite® distributed database. Common use cases for the GridGain platform include application acceleration and digital integration hubs for real-time data access across data sources and applications. GridGain solutions are used by global enterprises in financial services, software, e-commerce, retail, online business services, healthcare, telecom, transportation and other major sectors, with a client list that includes ING, Citibank, American Express, Finastra, UPS, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Microsoft, American Airlines, Agilent and UnitedHealthcare.

GridGain delivers unprecedented speed, massive scalability, and real-time data access for both legacy and greenfield applications. Deployed on a distributed cluster of commodity servers, GridGain software can reside between the application and data layers (RDBMS, NoSQL and Apache® Hadoop®), requiring no rip-and-replace of the existing databases, or it can be deployed as a distributed database for high performance computing with in-memory speed. For more information, visit

Brigit Valencia
For GridGain Systems
(360) 597-4516

GridGain is a trademark or registered trademark of GridGain Systems, Inc. Apache, Apache Ignite, and Ignite are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.