Children’s Health Defense Condemns Violence in Anticipation of Worldwide Freedom Demonstrations on July 24, 2021

Washington, DC, July 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freedom advocates will convene around the world tomorrow, July 24, 2021, at rallies for freedom entitled Worldwide Rallies for Freedom.  CHD has supported such peaceful gatherings in the past. CHD enthusiastically supports the peaceful exercise of civil rights, including the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. CHD is an organization dedicated to peace; it opposes violence in any form. 

Unfortunately, CHD has become aware of credible information suggesting that infiltrators in health freedom groups are calling on armed individuals to show up at planned peaceful demonstrations tomorrow. In particular, CHD has learned that individuals named “Harry” and “Gina” have infiltrated numerous Telegram groups, exhorting members to bring firearms to the planned gatherings. For example, one text message in a Texas group said, “Thanks for carrying and you’re welcome to carry any long or short gun my friend. Up to you.”

CHD calls on people to be aware, careful, and to shun any demonstrators who advocate violence or engage in it.


Children’s Health Defense is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

