Athabasca Tribal Council Ltd. Calls for Change to Canada's Indian Act

Fort McMurray, AB, Aug. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inspired by Chief Janvier of Chipewyan Dene First Nation and the Blinding Light Walk- Tiger Lily, the Athabasca Tribal Council Ltd. (ATC) is launching the Orange Path, a national effort to raise awareness and support for reconciliation across Canada. “As we shine a light on the tragic legacy of residential schools, the ATC is calling for real change and for us an important first step is the Athabasca Tribal Council Amendment.” states, CEO Karla Buffalo.

Shockingly, Sections 114 and 115 of the Indian Act still permits the Minister to operate and regulate schools for First Nations children without their free, prior and informed consent.

“The Indian Act Canada still has the power to run our schools without our consent which is the same way it was with residential schools.  We want to have control over our children and their education.” Explains Chief Powder, ATC Board of Director and Chief of Mikisew Cree Nation. “How can we be expected to move forward, to heal and to reconcile while Canada maintains this power?”.

“So that is the first and critical change we are petitioning for as part of our Orange Path - consent” adds Buffalo.

The proposed Athabasca Tribal Council Amendment would add one simple but powerful phrase to Sections 114 and 115 of the Indian Act – the requirement of free, prior and informed consent.

“We’re calling on all Nations, federal leaders, elected officials and Canadian allies to support the Athabasca Tribal Council Amendment” states Buffalo. Sign and share the petition as a step towards real and meaningful change”. 

To sign the petition and learn more about how you can support reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples across Canada please visit 


Athabasca Tribal Council Ltd. is an organization that serves Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Chipewyan Prairie Déne First Nation, Fort McKay First Nation, Fort McMurray 468 First Nation and Mikisew Cree First Nation by providing relevant and innovative programs and services that enrich the well-being, health and prosperity of its people. ATC is committed to ensuring the protection of inherent rights, Treaty Rights, and their Traditional Territories while respecting the autonomy of each Nation. For information, visit

