LOS ANGELES, Sept. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a conversation with Capital Market Laboratories (CMLviz), Chief Financial Officer of PagerDuty Howard Wilson had clear messages:
- The company is seeing ‘good demand signals, and those demand signals are coming across enterprise and mid-market companies’
- The company is seeing ‘endless range of ways’ in which it is being used across enterprises as the company now ‘operate[s] as a platform [and] can service multiple use cases.’
- While it’s still early, the move to a freemium model in September of 2020 has shown ‘better-than-expected results in terms of conversion.’
In a conversation with the CFO, we discussed the quarterly results and growth potential moving forward.
Read: PagerDuty (PD) - One on One with the CFO - measuring what matters