Sunrise, Florida, Sept. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Funds from Florida Autism Specialty License Plate sales, administered by Arc Broward, provided $124,160 in grants to 19 nonprofit organizations throughout Florida serving individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
“It is wonderful to be able to provide funds to these organizations and especially during these challenging times, and to continue to add to the thousands of autism license plates on the roads that help generate these funds and awareness” explains Autism Grants Council Chair, Dennis Haas
The Autism Services Grant Council is proud to announce the 2021 grant recipients from all over the state of Florida:
Bit-By-Bit Medical Therapeutic Riding Center
Freedom Sailing Camp of Florida, Inc
Easterseals South Florida
(ADE) Association for the Development of the Exceptional, Inc.
The Jericho School
Bit of Faith Ranch, Inc
Champions for Champions, Inc
Bridge Disability Network, Inc.
Love Serving Autism
Connections Education Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc.
The Friendship Journey, Inc.
National Autism Registry, Inc
Deliver The Dream
Van Wezel Foundation, Inc.
Providing Autism Links & Support, Inc
Autism Awareness Shop
LARC, Inc.
Museum of Discovery and Science
Jacksonville School for Autism (JSA)
The Autism Specialty license plate is available through, as well as the Indian River Tax Collector offices. Supporters can also donate to autism services when renewing their automotive registration or purchasing replacement licenses through the use of the “check boxes” on the forms.
For more information, visit To request an interview with a representative from the Autism Services Grant Council or a 2021-2022 recipient, please contact Kendra Spangler at
The Autism Services Grants Council was created by the Florida Legislature in 2009 to implement and oversee a grants process for the distribution of funds generated from the sales of the Florida Support Autism Programs Specialty License Plate.
The primary purpose of the Council is to fund service programs for grants to nonprofit organizations to operate direct services programs for individuals with autism and related disabilities in Florida including direct services, evaluation, training, and awareness.
The amount of funds available through the grant process is dependent of the amount of revenue generated by sales of the Florida Support Autism Programs Specialty License Plate. The Autism Services Grants Council is administered by Arc Broward, an IRS exempt Section 501(c)(3), Florida nonprofit organization.