[Holdco Press Release] Offer for iliad shares: Xavier Niel now owns more than 90% of iliad’s share capital and voting rights, triggering the possibility of launching a squeeze-out

Press release                                                                                                

Paris, September 29, 2021


Offer for iliad shares: Xavier Niel now owns more than 90% of iliad’s share capital and voting rights, triggering the possibility of launching a squeeze-out

Based on the published results of the public tender offer, Xavier Niel – iliad’s controlling shareholder –has exceeded, through his holding company HoldCo II, the ownership threshold of 90% of iliad’s share capital and voting rights (96.46% of iliad's share capital). This means he can request for a squeeze-out procedure to be launched, as referred to in his intentions concerning the tender offer (see the Offer Document approved by the AMF under visa no. 21-386 dated September 7, 2021). 

The final results of the tender offer were issued in a Notice published by the AMF on September 29, 2021 and the request to launch the squeeze-out procedure will be made in the coming days.

Contact: presse@iliad.fr




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