eMed Statement on the White House Announcement of $1 Billion At-Home Rapid Test Purchase

Miami, Oct. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This week's announcement by the Biden Administration to purchase $1 billion rapid at-home tests is key to ending this pandemic and keeping Americans safe at work, school and elsewhere, but at eMed we also believe test results must be verified, validated and reported to maximize impact and effectiveness of this program. eMed has already built that solution, which is CDC-accepted for air and cruise travel, and we are actively working with states like Ohio and Virginia as well as many of America’s largest companies. Our innovative, FDA-authorized approach to testing not only tests for COVID-19 but verifies and validates the results with appropriate identification and authentication from the comfort of your own home, which ultimately increases access to underserved individuals and communities. We look forward to working with the Administration and other stakeholders to expand this offering so that all Americans can not only have access to tests quickly, but can receive verified and validated results via certified lab reports that get you to treatment or everyday life sooner.

