Veterans Get Good News with Court Decision that Opens Option For Disability Appeals, Allsup Explains

Federal Court decision removes restrictions allowing veterans to file Supplemental Claim related to an original claim that previously was denied, according to Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agent

Belleville, Illinois, Nov. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A recent court decision has opened a path for veterans who were denied disability benefits with the option to file a Supplemental Claim, according to Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services®. Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agents provide veterans disability appeals assistance for veterans moving through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ VA Disability Compensation program.

“This is very good news for veterans who may have given up on continuing with their VA disability appeals because of the complexity of the process,” said Brett Buchanan, Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agent.

Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit expanded veterans rights by rendering invalid certain regulations that restricted veterans from hiring representatives to help with the appeal process. Now, under the Veterans Appeal Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 (AMA), veterans may work with representatives to submit a Supplemental Claim regardless of how long ago the original claim was denied, if it is the same disability claim that was previously denied.

“This is a very important modification to the act, and as VA-accredited claims agents, we are pleased that the Court took a stand to make a difficult and time-consuming process a little less so for veterans seeking disability benefits,” Buchanan said.

Buchanan explained the change gives veterans access to help. “Previously, we were unable to help veterans with Supplemental Claims if too much time had elapsed since the original denial,” he said. “This is no longer an issue, and we are looking forward to partnering with veterans who have been denied, in filing their Supplemental Claims.”

In addition, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced the addition of three presumptive conditions – asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis – related to particulate matter exposure for veterans seeking benefits. The Blue Water Navy Act of 2019 also expanded the definition of qualifying service for Agent Orange exposure, enabling more veterans to potentially receive benefits for Agent Orange-related disabilities.

“Fortunately, with the Court’s ruling, we will be able to support veterans even more effectively with their Supplemental Claims,” Buchanan said.

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Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services® assists veterans with navigating their way through the VA disability appeals process, which includes Higher-Level Review, Supplemental Claims and appeals directly to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.


Allsup and its subsidiaries provide nationwide Social Security disability, veterans disability appeal, return to work, and healthcare benefits services for individuals, their employers and insurance carriers. Allsup professionals deliver specialized services supporting people with disabilities and seniors so they may lead lives that are as financially secure and as healthy as possible. Founded in 1984, the company is based in Belleville, Illinois, near St. Louis. Learn more at and @Allsup. Visit for veterans disability appeals services.


Brett Buchanan, Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agent
