ROME, Nov. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (LaPresse) IE University and Luiss University had brought together more than 35 experts and distinguished guests with backgrounds in academia, media, and the private and public sectors for the 12th annual Reinventing Higher Education conference, a hybrid event online and at Luiss University held in Rome on November 15-16. This year’s theme, “Global Engagement: Towards Responsive and Innovative Universities”, had evaluated the role of higher education in promoting positive change and innovation across society.
Since its launch in 2010, Reinventing Higher Education had provided a platform where educational leaders, student representatives and corporate players can discuss on of higher education and collaboratively shape its future. This year, more than 35 international experts, distinguished guests, and student representatives had been attended from 25 countries to participate in various panels on the future of higher education and the challenges set to impact academia, government, and the private sector. Opening remarks had been delivered by Andrea Prencipe, Rector of Luiss University, Santiago Iñiguez, President of IE University and Maria Cristina Messa, Italian Minister of University and Research.
“During the pandemic we have attended an accelerated course into the future and for the future. As a higher education institution, Luiss University has learned that students must now acquire such skills as critical thinking, problem framing and problem solving, flexibility, to deal with unprecedented crises and challenges featuring into the post-pandemic scenarios. This conference offers a great opportunity to bring together academics, industry and institutional leaders to jointly reflect on innovative educational initiatives, ranging from enquiry-based approach to problem-based teaching to digitally-enhanced teaching tools,” said Luiss University Rector Andrea Prencipe.
“Now, in its twelfth year, the Reinventing Higher Education conference has become a beacon for forward thinking academic, business, and government leaders who gather to discuss ways to collaborate and learn from one another and, importantly, plant the seeds of learning and innovation that will make a future impact on society,” said IE University President Santiago Iñiguez. “Without a doubt, the world has changed dramatically in the past two years and higher education will continue to play a vital role in fostering the entrepreneurial mindset and critical thinking necessary to create positive change in the world.”
The second day of the conference had included activities including amongst student representatives from America University of Beirut, University of British Columbia, University of Edinburgh, IE University, and King’s College.
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