MEDIA ADVISORY - Ford Government is Planning to Give Tens of Thousands of New 30-year Long-Term Care Bed Licenses to For-Profits: New Report to be Released Across Ontario with Local & Provincial Information

TORONTO, Nov. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the past year, the Ford government has been moving forward with a plan to award tens of thousands of long-term care beds to for-profit operators, among them those with the most horrific records during the pandemic. Rather than hold for-profit operators accountable for the horrors that we continue to see in long-term care, they are being awarded new 30-year licenses and bed expansions paid by public funds.

The Ontario Health Coalition and local health coalitions are joined by families of loved ones in for-profit long-term care to release a new report, Public Money Private Profit: The Ford Government & the Privatization of the Next Generation of Ontario’s Long-Term Care, across Ontario from Monday November 29 to Friday December 3.

Each regional media conference will feature the regional and local information about the thousands of new and redeveloped long-term care beds being awarded to for-profit companies in their area, family members of residents who have died or are currently living in for-profit long-term care, and the record of those operators in the region.

Media are invited to join the online press conferences by Zoom using the links below.

Monday November 29
Toronto at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 847 3655 6288         Passcode: 747466

Speakers include:
Natalie Mehra: Ontario Health Coalition Executive Director
Doris Wai: whose grandmother passed away at Tendercare LTC
Nick Puopolo: mother in long-term care, Sienna Woodbridge Vista and Sienna Family Council Chair
David Runions: Fox Ridge Care Community Family Council Chair
Reed Zhao: whose grandmother passed away at Tendercare LTC

Tuesday November 30
Kitchener-Waterloo at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 862 9766 6822         Passcode: 510334

Speakers include:
Jim Stewart: Waterloo Region Health Coalition Chair
Susan Watson: Family member, father passed away in a for-profit long-term care facility
Gail Roussy: Family member who will speak about her experiences with long-term care
Jean Kheul: Retired RN who worked in long-term care
Marilyn Hay: Chair Council of Canadians (Kitchener Waterloo Chapter)

Tuesday November 30
Chatham-Kent, London, Oxford County, Windsor at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 860 6707 6616         Passcode: 071919

Speakers include:
Peter Bergmanis: Co-chair of the London Health Coalition
Shirley Roebuck: Chair of the Chatham-Kent Health Coalition
Bryan J. Smith: Oxford Health Coalition representative
Liz Daniels: father was at Banwell Gardens, Windsor
Kathy Cottingham: LTC advocacy group, Tilbury
Donna Benoit: whose mother is at Tilbury Manor
Donnafaye Milton: Revera home family council chair, London

Wednesday December 1
Burlington, Hamilton, Niagara, Oakville at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 894 7309 9826         Passcode: 351068

Speakers include:
Janina Lebon: Hamilton Health Coalition Co-chair
Sue Hotte: Niagara Health Coalition Chair
Mervyn Russell: Health Coalition representative in Oakville
Sandra Caleta: mother passed away at Hardy Terrace, Brantford
Jo-Anne Beggs: mother passed away and father in a Revera home, Oakville
Julia Blushak: family member, Extendicare, St. Catharines

Thursday December 2
Durham, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 839 2429 9914         Passcode: 016323

Speakers include:
Zac Miller: Kawartha Lakes Health Coalition Co-Chair
Charlie Courneyea: Durham Health Coalition Co-Chair
Cathy Parkes: father passed away, Orchard Villa, Pickering
Jan Paul-Tibensky: mother has been in three for-profit LTC homes in the region
Maureen McDermott: mother passed away, River Glen Haven, Sutton
June Morrison: father passed away, Orchard Villa, Pickering
Dorlene Lin: father is in Warkworth Place

Thursday December 2
Cornwall, Kingston, Ottawa at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 881 0028 9300         Passcode: 419121

Speakers include:
Elaine MacDonald: Cornwall Health Coalition representative
Matthew Gventer: Kingston Health Coalition Chair
Ed Cashman: Ottawa Health Coalition Co-Chair and French-speaking representative
Mary Catherine McCarthy: Ottawa Health Coalition Co-Chair and English-speaking representative
Betty Yakimenko: mother is in Sienna Madonna Care Community
Donna Loney: LTC worker, Ottawa

Friday December 3
Blind River, North Bay, Sudbury at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 835 0982 0050         Passcode: 436737

More information on speakers to come.

Friday December 3
Thunder Bay at 10 am
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 846 8055 7036         Passcode: 610136

More information on speakers to come.

For more information:
Ontario and Toronto, Natalie Mehra executive director (416) 230-6402;
Kitchener-Waterloo, Jim Stewart (519) 588-5841;
Chatham, Shirley Roebuck (226) 402-2724; London, Peter Bergmanis (519) 860-4403; Oxford County, Bryan J. Smith (226)-228-8309;
Hamilton, Janina Lebon (905) 545-5514; Niagara, Sue Hotte (905) 932-1646; Oakville, Mervyn Russell (905) 845-3250;
Durham, Charlie Courneyea (416) 557-5935; Kawartha Lakes, Zac Miller (289) 356-7537;
Cornwall, Elaine MacDonald (613) 330-3117; Kingston, Matthew Gventer (613) 542-5834; Ottawa, Ed Cashman (343) 999-6886;
Blind River, Al Dupuis (613) 808-7710; North Bay, Henri Giroux (705)-471-7746; Sudbury, Dot Klein (705) 566-9072;
Thunder Bay, Jules Tupker (807) 577-5946.


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