SBA Administrator, local officials to visit DC small businesses on Small Business Saturday®, November 27, to encourage Americans to Shop Small in support of their local businesses and Main Street economies.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (EST)
Eastern Market, Washington DC. Please RSVP for a schedule of exact locations.
U.S. Small Business Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman
Kristi Whitfield, Director of DC's Dept of Small and Local Business Development
Cristina Amoruso, DC Main Street Program Manager
RSVP is required. Please RSVP to SBA Press Secretary Christina Carr, christina.carr@sba.gov.
About the U.S. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration makes the American dream of business ownership a reality. As the only go-to resource and voice for small businesses backed by the strength of the federal government, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources and support they need to start, grow or expand their businesses, or recover from a declared disaster. It delivers services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations. To learn more, visit www.sba.gov.