David Sidoo Donates $20,000 to Aid Punjabi Villages

Vancouver, Dec. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David Sidoo, his wife Manjy, and two sons Dylan and Jordan recently announced through the Sidoo Family Giving Foundation their contribution to help bring ventilators to struggling Punjabi villages in India. The money raised is now over $20,000, which will help create healthier conditions during a trying time.

Some villages in India have struggled, especially during COVID-19, to provide for those dealing with severe symptoms. It’s a struggle that only seems to be getting worse, whether a patient’s issue is COVID-19 related or something else. This has prompted many with ties to the area to step up.

David Sidoo, Dylan, and Jordan all take pride in their South Asian heritage, and this specific part of India has always been special. David grew up with stories from his parents that described the culture that makes Punjabi villages so special.
He’s also made visits to certain parts of the country, giving him first-hand experience of some of the struggles they face even without a pandemic going on. Sidoo made history during his professional football career when he became the first Indo-Canadian to play in the Canadian Football League. In total, he played five professional football player seasons in the CFL after a storied college career.

The ventilators Sidoo paid for can help at the right time when it comes to any type of health issue. Whether it be COVID-19 related or other illnesses that plague the country, this sizable donation will go a long way towards helping save lives.
Concerning the David Sidoo news, Sidoo Family Giving is collaborating with other Canadians with Indian ties to help out in any way possible. Nav Bhatia, a businessman who’s known for also being a superfan of the Toronto Raptors, is one of many helping to drive donations. Some of the most successful businessmen in Canada have not only donated time and money but inspired others to reach their goals just by being in the public limelight as Indo-Canadians.

David Sidoo, Manjy, Dylan, and Jordan are all very aware of Davids’s struggles his family dealt with when moving to Canada and adjusting. They struggled for everything, and they were often looked down upon by others during different times. In 1954, David’s father, Mall Singh, made headlines by driving into the Fraser River to help save a person from drowning. Instead of asking for monetary compensation for this act, he requested citizenship as he struggled to give his family exactly what he wanted.
These days, that dynamic has changed quite a bit. It comes down to the efforts made by so many Indo-Canadians paving the way for a better life. Sidoo Family Giving donating back to Punjabi villages can open up doors for some to potentially relocate to North America. Many are looking for an opportunity, and they come in ways that might not seem evident at first.



Profil de l'entrepriseSidoo Family GivingIndustrie: Consumer Services