3 Tips To Find A Houston Pest Control Company To Fight A Pest Infestation

Hartz Pest Control Offers Tips On How To Keep Pests From Making A Home Out Of Your Home.

Houston, Dec. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --


Wintertime is here, and just as you, your family and pets are trying to stay warm, so are pests like mice, roaches, spiders, etc. Despite prevalent thinking that pests are only a nuisance during the summertime, these critters and insects are just as active during the winter. Only this time, they are active inside homes and offices.

Why do pests like to come inside? First off, it’s cold outside. They want to be in places where it’s warm and comfortable. Secondly, you have the food they want. If they can find a way into your home, they will do whatever they possibly can to make your home their home too.

Pests bring many problems, including possible health problems for you and your family. Pests carry diseases that can spread to humans and household pets. This is why it’s so prudent to proof your home against these undesirables. Hartz Pest Control implores homeowners like yourself to pest-proof your home before pests can make a home out of your home. What are some helpful tips to ensure a safe, healthy and happy home?

  • Close up any holes or cracks around the home, such as utility line areas.
  • Replace worn weather stripping and loose mortar.
  • Organize your storage spaces, putting items inside sealed containers and on tables.
  • Trim branches and shrubs to keep them from touching the home.
  • Place firewood 20 feet away from the home and on a raised cement structure.
  • Install screen on chimneys and repair any damaged ones.

3 Tips To Find A Houston Pest Control Company

Dedicate yourself to finding a professional pest control company to eliminate your home of pests. The more time wasted in treating your home, the more problematic the issue because pests will proliferate quickly. If you don’t get control over the problem when it’s minor, it can lead to serious problems such as health issues and fires (due to chewed wires).

Have questions? – questions give you insight into the company (how it does business, what it uses to protect your home, what they do to eliminate pests, etc.) Listen to their answers to determine if the company is right for you or not.

Once you feel confident about a company, ask them to come by and give you a quote about the job. Get this quote in writing to ensure they are no surprise expenses when they come out to work.

While you can use over-the-counter products, they are not a long-term solution. The best thing you can do is call a professional company to treat your home. Do your due diligence and find a reputable pest control company to help you. You can always find a company within your budget and will work with you to ensure pests are out and stay out.

Hartz Pest Control is dedicated to helping homeowners and area residents have a healthy home that’s free of dangers pests can bring, using non-residue and safe chemical products. If you suspect an infestation – no matter what type – give Hartz Pest Control a call today.


