IFIC Makes Submission to CSA on Climate-related Disclosure Requirements

TORONTO, Jan. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Investment Funds Institute of Canada today provided its feedback to the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) in response to its proposed climate-related disclosure requirements.

“We applaud the CSA’s efforts to strengthen and harmonize climate-related disclosure for the benefit of Canadian investors,” said Paul Bourque, President and CEO, IFIC. “Investment managers face a growing need for high quality, consistent and comparable information to help inform investment decision-making.”

In its submission, IFIC expressed support for the proposed disclosure requirements, which are largely consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. With respect to emissions reporting, IFIC supports mandatory reporting requirements for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Given the importance of Scope 3 emissions, IFIC also recommends that the CSA require issuers to report this data or explain the reasons for not disclosing this information.

About IFIC

The Investment Funds Institute of Canada is the voice of Canada’s investment funds industry. IFIC brings together approximately 150 organizations, including fund managers, distributors and industry service organizations, to foster a strong, stable investment sector where investors can realize their financial goals. By connecting Canada’s savers to Canada’s economy, our industry contributes significantly to Canadian economic growth and job creation.

For more information:

Pira Kumarasamy
Senior Manager, Communications and Public Affairs