ENT and Allergy Associates LLP Celebrates Kids ENT Health Month this February

Nation’s Largest Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy Practice Supports and Informs Parents and Caregivers to Promote Superior Pediatric ENT Health

Tarrytown, New York, Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- National health statistics show that pediatric ear, nose, and throat conditions remain among the primary reasons children visit a physician, with ear infections ranking as the most common reason for an appointment, according to The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), representing the nearly 12,000 specialists who treat the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. Many conditions such as earaches, throat infections, sinus infections, breathing problems, foreign bodies in the ears and nose and recurrent nosebleeds require prompt diagnosis and treatment. The cold winter months also make many pediatric ear, nose, and throat conditions more common. With that in mind, February is Kids ENT Health Month, which is a yearly campaign held every February by the AAO-HNS. ENT and Allergy Associates partners with the organization to offer parents and caregivers the latest information and resources about pediatric ear, nose, and throat disorders. The theme for this year’s Kids ENT Health Month is focused on how many school-aged children have some degree of hearing deficit that—if left untreated—may affect a child's ability to develop communication, language, and social skills.

February is a great time for parents to become familiar with the available treatment options and services ENT and Allergy Associates offers to combat the following common conditions:

Hearing loss can come in either mechanical (conductive) or nerve (sensorineural) forms, or can stem from a combination of both. Conductive hearing loss can often be corrected surgically, while sensorineural hearing loss usually responds well to hearing aids. Children with hearing loss need to be monitored and treated closely to ensure adequate speech and language development, as well as optimal academic performance. Patients with single-sided hearing loss or tinnitus should seek medical attention, while patients with sudden hearing loss (especially with tinnitus or dizziness) require immediate evaluation and treatment.

Sinusitis is a disorder that is usually caused by an inflammation of the sinuses. It can often begin as a common cold or allergy and then becomes an infection, which may present as sinusitis, tonsillitis or an ear infection.

There are two types of sinusitis: bacterial sinusitis and viral sinusitis.

  1. Viral Sinusitis is more comparable to the common cold.  Sufferers experience a headache and a runny or stuffy nose, which produces clear nasal mucus for a few days and then they begin to feel better.
  2. Bacterial Sinusitis: Sufferers will experience a headache, stuffy or runny nose, and produce purulent or greenish or yellow mucus from the nose and sometimes pain in the teeth. Bacterial sinus infections may start after a viral cold after seven days or more and needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, usually caused by a bacterial Strep infection or viral infection. Depending on the cause,  tonsillitis does NOT necessarily require antibiotics, but Strep throat needs antibiotics.  When a sore throat is bad a throat culture or in-office Strep test can be done to see if antibiotics are needed.   When tonsillitis becomes a recurrent problem, happening multiple times a year, a tonsillectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils, may be helpful.  

Ear infections are also very common this time of year. Infections that originate behind the eardrum are called Acute Otitis Media, or Middle Ear Infection. These are usually treated by the pediatrician with an antibiotic. In cases where the fluid does not go away and there is temporary hearing loss, or the infections continue to reoccur, surgery may be required.    This typically involves placing small tubes in the eardrums to drain the fluid buildup and prevent infections. Outer ear infections happen in the ear canal and are also called swimmer’s ear.  However, these types of infections can occur any time of the year, even without swimming. These infections usually need a prescription ear drop.  Sometimes, the ear needs be properly cleaned by an ENT doctor. 

Nosebleeds can occur any time of the year, but they very often appear when dry heat during the winter months affects the nasal passages.  When a nosebleed occurs multiple times, the nose may need to be cauterized. This is a simple procedure, which can be done in the ENT's office.

Snoring or sleep apnea, which is pausing or struggling to breathe, can occur at any age.  Enlarged tonsils in the throat, or adenoids in the back of the nose, often will get worse in the winter months with upper respiratory infections such as the common cold or flu. These conditions interfere with a child's sleep and can lead to daytime sleepiness. This can also lead to difficulties focusing in school and behavior problems.  An ENT physician will check children who have snoring and sleep problems to see if the tonsils or adenoids need to be treated to improve the breathing.  

ENT and Allergy Associates encourages all parents and caregivers to participate in Kids ENT month and learn more about ear, nose, and throat illnesses. Some of these disorders can lead to serious complications if not treated immediately.  To schedule a same day appointment, book online, anytime at http://www.entandallergy.com/booknow or call 1-855-ENTA-DOC.


About ENT and Allergy Associates, LLP:

ENT and Allergy Associates, LLP (ENTA) has over 220 physicians practicing in 40+ office locations in Westchester, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Rockland, Nassau and Suffolk counties, as well as New York City and northern/central New Jersey. The practice sees over 90,000 patients per month. Each ENTA clinical location provides access to a full complement of services, including General Adult and Pediatric ENT and Allergy, Voice and Swallowing, Advanced Sinus and Skull Base Surgery, Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, Disorders of the Inner Ear and Dizziness, Asthma, Clinical Immunology, Diagnostic Audiology, Hearing Aid dispensing, Sleep and CT Services. ENTA has clinical alliances with Mount Sinai Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center, Northwell Health, and a partnership with the American Cancer Society. To learn more, visit www.entandallergy.com.



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ENT and Allergy Associates LLP Celebrates Kids ENT Health Month this February
