Annapolis, Maryland, Feb. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Historic Inns of Annapolis eagerly announce their 250th anniversary at the Maryland Inn, the Governor Calvert House, and the Johnson House; all well-known establishments and iconic hotels in Annapolis, Maryland. From the birth of our country to modern-day, the Historic Inns of Annapolis have borne witness to some of the most important events in our nation’s history. To celebrate this significant milestone, the hotel group will be offering special hotel and group meeting rates, sharing details about their storied history, holding public events, and much more throughout 2022. Some of these unique celebrations include the unveiling of the newly-dedicated Miss Peg’s Parlor, a Fall Gala, chef’s table dinners, hotel offers, and special presentations. The Inns will be relaunching their annual Wedding Fair, on March 27 from 12 to 3 pm, to recognize the celebration.
The Historic Inns properties are nestled in the historic district of downtown Annapolis within walking distance of live music, shopping, and award-winning restaurants. During the winter months, Historic Inns will have a 250th hotel rate special with a welcome basket, group meeting, and event special with a complimentary signature break, discounts on food and beverage, and more. Historic Inns will be announcing the reopening of the King of France Tavern. Recently updated, the Tavern event space will hold up to 100 guests in the Maryland Inn building showcasing original brick and the historic tunnel to the statehouse. By candlelight or natural light, the historic structure and intimate atmosphere are perfect for group events and small wedding receptions. The Maryland Inn will also be available on weekends to tour public spaces including the King of France Tavern and other historical areas.
Not only will the hotels have a 250th rate and group specials, but Historic Inns will also be creating Chef’s Table dinners, a Fall Gala with dinner and dancing, unveiling events and specials at Drummer’s Lot Pub, and holding Christmas events including the Holiday Marketplace showcasing local and historical items on Main Street. The Drummer’s Lot Pub will unveil signature historical drink specials with a modern twist. The pub is well-known for the location of the drummer William Butterfield, who conveyed the daily news of the town through a variety of complex drum beats. During the 1750’s he spread public information to the people of Annapolis, standing on what locals called the “Drummer’s Lot.” In 1776, this historic lot became the home of the Maryland Inn, a popular place for lodging throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
Today the Maryland Inn and its vintage sister properties, the Governor Calvert House and the Robert Johnson House, form the Historic Inns of Annapolis, each with a unique ambiance that reflects the colorful stories of yesteryear’s famous guests. Present-day guests enjoy modern features and amenities, enhanced by the rich traditions of this charming seaport community. For more information on meetings, groups, and customized events please contact 410-216-6326 or e-mail For press and online information please contact
58 State Circle, Annapolis, MD • 410.216.6320 • 800.847.8882 HISTORICINNSOFANNAPOLIS.COM