ZunaNauts NFT Collection Offering "Out of This World" Rewards

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Feb. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From the creators of $ZUNA, comes their exclusive ZunaNauts NFT Collection. The collection will be released in two phases. The first drop will consist of 1969 uniquely designed astronauts and will be released in the next few days. Roughly 30 days later a second drop will be released for a grand total of 3,938 NFT's.

ZunaNaut Reward System

ZunaNauts unlock two separate forms of rewards for their owners. The first reward is a fixed amount of $ZUNA for 36 months. The second reward unlocks “partial ownership” of the Zunaverse.io marketplace, rewarding owners with a % of every BNB/BSC transaction made on the marketplace.

These rewards will be weighted depending on the tier of ZunaNaut you own. ZunaNauts will start at $100 and go up to $25,000. Built on Binance Smart Chain, ZunaNauts will be available for purchase using BNB/BSC. Both rewards are available to owners by staking their ZunaNauts on the Zunaverse.io marketplace.

"We’ve never seen another NFT project offer a reward system as impressive as ours, let alone give investors the opportunity to have a stake in an entire NFT Marketplace,” says Blake Shannon/CEO.

When and where?

ZunaNauts will be launched exclusively on Zunaverse.io, a full blown NFT Marketplace built upon the Binance Smart Chain Network (BNB/BSC). The first drop will go live on Zunaverse.io Lite Version within the week and the second will be released with the Full Version of the marketplace set to go live by the end of March 2022.

What is Zunaverse.io?

Zunaverse.io will offer faster transactions and substantially lower gas fees than marketplaces built on the Ethereum Network, such as Opensea.

Creators will have the ability to “lazy mint” their collections, eliminating the need for any upfront minting fees or costs prior to selling their works.

$ZUNA will be integrated into the platform as an optional form of payment and a form of payment to unlock special features such as featuring a collection or accessing special NFT drops.

What $ZUNA holders are most excited for is the built-in $ZUNA auto buy system in place. With 2.5% of every BNB/BSC transaction on Zunaverse.io auto buying $ZUNA indefinitely, when Zunaverse.io does well... so does $ZUNA’s value.

How do you get involved with $ZUNA and acquire a ZunaNaut?

ZunaNauts will be released with early access being given to ZUNA’s Telegram/Discord members. Given the reward system, it is likely that the 1969 ZunaNauts will sell out the day they are released.

For more information on ZunaNauts visit www.zunacoin.com/zunanauts. If you are interested in acquiring a ZunaNaut be sure to join ZUNA’s Telegram & Discord Groups.

For a chance to win a FREE ZunaNaut, follow ZUNA on Twitter and watch for upcoming giveaways. 

Join ZUNA’s Telegram Community
Join ZUNA’s Discord Community

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/9ba93427-504b-48b9-840f-768a8e7b99e3


