EPH European Property Holdings PLC Update

07 March 2022, Nicosia, Cyprus I Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Due to the military conflict in Ukraine, a range of sanctions were enacted against and by Russia. This has changed the operating environment in Russia as well as business between Russia and other countries of the world, particularly with regards to imports/exports, currency conversions and transfers of funds between Russia and other countries.

EPH European Property Holdings PLC (the “Company” or “EPH”) owns subsidiaries and real estate assets in Russia (approximately 1/3 of total assets) as well as Western Europe (approximately 2/3 of total assets) whereof each of EPH Group’s property holding subsidiaries can sustain itself, serve its liabilities and independently operate its real estate assets. All of the EPH Russian real estate assets are as of today operating independently as before the conflict was started. Nevertheless, the sanctions currently imposed as well as the Russian latest restrictions on capital movements prohibit the transfer of funds from EPH Group’s Russian subsidiaries to the EPH holding company residing in Cyprus.

The Board of Directors of EPH are discussing several measures to further improve the financial situation and the liquidity at EPH holding level to give additional comfort to all of EPH Group’s stakeholders.

As a first measure, the Company has agreed with one of its significant shareholders to issue additional financing in the amount of EUR 110 million. The financing will be organized in form of Subordinated Loan Notes with a maturity of 3 years with an interest of 3.5 %. The Company has the right to redeem all notes at par with interest accrued at any time.

The Board of Directors will continue to observe the developments and their impact on the Company and might implement additional measures in case necessary.


EPH European Property Holdings PLC is an investment company listed on SIX Swiss Exchange which holds a diversified property portfolio with a total value in excess of EUR 1.5 billion.  Additional information on EPH European Property Holdings Plc is available by contacting Anna Bernhart Tel: +41 44 503 5400 or at contact@europeanpropertyholdings.com.


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220307 Press Release - Adhoc Update