Sievi Capital’s Annual Report 2021 published

Sievi Capital Plc
Stock exchange release 10 March 2022 at 1:00 pm EET

Sievi Capital’s Annual Report 2021 published

Sievi Capital has published its Annual Report for 2021 today. The Annual Report includes the Board of Directors’ Report, Financial Statements, Auditor’s Report as well as the Corporate Governance Statement and the Governing Bodies’ Remuneration Report.

Sievi Capital also publishes the Financial Statements in Finnish in accordance with the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reporting requirements in XHTML format including XBLR tags on the primary statements. The audit firm KPMG has issued an independent auditor’s reasonable assurance report on the ESEF Financial Statements of Sievi Capital Plc in accordance with the international standard of assure engagements ISAE 3000.

The Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and the Governing Bodies’ Remuneration Report as well as the XHTML file are available on the Company’s website at and attached to this release.


CEO Jussi Majamaa, tel. +358 400 412 127

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Main media

Sievi Capital is a partner for Finnish entrepreneurs. We support the growth, performance and value creation of small and medium-sized companies and concurrently build national competitiveness. We believe that we succeed together as co-entrepreneurs. Sievi Capital’s share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.




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Sievi Capital Annual Report 2021 Corporate Governance Statement 2021 Governing bodies' Remuneration Report 2021 743700F6CLX8JMYDEP21-2021-12-31-fi