Hopebridge Autism Therapy Services Encourages Community to Celebrate Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Advocacy Month

Autism Service Provider Reframes April for All it Encompasses

Indianapolis, March 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In an effort to spark more education, inclusivity and support around the autism community, while also celebrating this population’s achievements, Hopebridge Autism Therapy Centers is reframing the month of April as “Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Advocacy Month,” or A4 Month for short.

Originally known as “Autism Awareness Month,” with World Autism Awareness Day Apr. 2, some organizations and advocates have recently suggested changing the name to “Autism Acceptance Month.” Hopebridge, however, encourages the media and general public to expand upon the name, rather than swap terminology.

“To our Hopebridge team and families, the month of April has been about more than one thing. Just as autism is a spectrum, so is our view of the month dedicated to it,” said Hopebridge CEO Dennis May. “Our efforts around acceptance, awareness and advocacy are all-encompassing, so the name we use to recognize and celebrate it is too.”

Specializing in pediatrics as one of the largest autism therapy healthcare providers in the nation, Hopebridge hopes this move to A4 Month ignites change and inspiration for the children and families it serves, as well as the autism community as a whole. To do this, Hopebridge will focus on efforts from multiple angles, with “awareness,” “acceptance” and “advocacy” at the forefront:

  • Awareness:
    Autism awareness has grown over the years, yet work is still necessary in this area. The signs of autism are not widely known, and there needs to be a greater understanding around the challenges individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face. Evidence shows early interventions offer the best chance children have to thrive now and later in life, but they cannot occur without early identification, which is why deeper awareness and education around autism remains a focus.
  • Acceptance:
    One in 44 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, which means that much of the U.S. population is affected by autism directly or indirectly. The Hopebridge team believes the acceptance of individuals with autism and their families throughout society is overdue. This acknowledgment and inclusion is not only beneficial to autistic individuals, but to everyone, as neurodiversity has a large impact on the nation’s industries, innovation and lifestyles.
  • Advocacy:
    Awareness and acceptance are the first steps, but people with autism often need more support than that. Hopebridge urges individuals and organizations to advocate for the autism community through research,  clinical advancement and policy, all with this population in mind.

“Designating April as Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Advocacy Month may be a shift in language, but not in our thinking. For more than 15 years, our Hopebridge team has been here to not only accept and support the autism community, but we remain here to lift these amazing kids up so they can reach their fullest potentials,” said Hopebridge Founder and Head of Clinical Strategy Kim Strunk.

As part of this new direction, the autism service network will offer a range of events and content for Hopebridge families, employees and communities that centers around these three pillars throughout the month of April.

Throughout April and all year round, Hopebridge will continue serving children through personalized plans of care aimed at meeting their individual needs. To learn more about Hopebridge’s collaborative, interdisciplinary approach – which includes autism testing and diagnostics, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy – caregivers can fill out the form at hopebridge.com/contact. For a complete list of Hopebridge centers and services, visit hopebridge.com/centers.


About Hopebridge

Hopebridge was founded in 2005 to serve the growing need for autism treatment services and to improve the lives of affected children and families. Hopebridge is committed to providing personalized outpatient ABA, occupational, speech and feeding therapies for children touched by autism spectrum disorder and behavioral, physical, social, communication and sensory challenges. Hopebridge provides a trusted place where they can receive the care, support and hope they deserve.

From its start in Indiana, Hopebridge continues to open state-of-the-art autism therapy centers in new communities to reach patients and families who need services. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Hopebridge operates over 100 centers in 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio and Tennessee.


Hopebridge Autism Therapy Centers Hopebridge Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Advocacy
