Aquos, The Innovative Financial System Offers Unique Protocol with High APY

London, United Kingdom, March 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Autostaking platforms have been transforming the DeFi sector for quite some time. Financial systems like Aquos are revamping these protocols like Titano and Libero to offer more benefits. With its Aquos auto-staking and auto-compounding protocol, the platform features high APY by breaking 383,025.80% over one year. Trusting in their protocol promising high APY, the ecosystem is looking forward to its own metaverse and profitable utility IP.

What is Aquos?

With its Aquos Auto-Staking Protocol (AAP), Aquos offers a DeFi asset to the user rewarding them via sustainable fixed compound interest. It is a unique protocol ensuring ease of staking and promising steady crypto returns to $AQUOS holders. Their unique protocol allows the token to perform automatic staking and compounding, offering high and fixed APY 382,945.41% in the first 12 months. 

The company aims to create innovation in the DeFi sectors offering extensive benefits and profits to the token holders. Aquos pays interest to the holder every 15 minutes meaning 96 times every day. Furthermore, the platform enhances the user’s portfolio faster with its easy buy-hold-earn system.


  • Aquos is a financial system offering innovation to existing protocols like Titano and Libero
  • The ecosystem has a high APY of 383,025.80% in just one year
  • Their BEP-20 token offers rewards to the holders every15 minutes 

Aquos Features

The auto-staking and compounding protocol benefits users with its low-risk insurance fund, secure and easy staking, high interest yield, automatic payments, fixed APY, and auto burn options.

If offers the following features:

NFT Ecosystem

Aquos will feature NFT collectibles, a NFT marketplace, and more. Users will be able to mint their NFTs and stake and trade them. The NFT ecosystem will provide high utility to consume $AQUOS.

NFT Auction & Launchpad Platform

The company develops a 100 percent BSC compatible NFT marketplace, and users can mint their new NFTs and sell them through the Aquos NFT auction platform that allows bulk minting and lineage of their assets.


The platform will be launching its play-to-earn (P2E) and player versus player (PVP) games. The developers will also provide in-game NFT implementation, ultimately offering a powerful utility for consuming $AQUOS.

Play to Earn (P2E) Game

These games by Aquos will increase the holder’s possibility of making profits and becoming an active Aquos community member.

$AQUOS Token and tokenomics

The BEP-20 $AQUOS allows users to generate automatic passive income by offering interest payment every 15 minutes over 13.5 years or until the AQUOS attends the maximum token supply of 3.25 billion tokens.

The platform has proprietary mechanisms making them distinct like Aquos Auto-Liquidity Engine (AALE), the Aquos Insurance Fund (AIF), Longterm Interest Cycle (LIC). These mechanisms also secure the token holder from hacks. 

The buy and sell fees for the $AQUOS token fuel different functions of the AAP protocol. The ecosystem charges 14% fees for buy transactions and 16% fees for sell transactions allowing the holders to get a fixed APY of 382,945.41%.

  • Of the 14% buy fees, 4% is allocated to liquidity, 5.0% to AIF (Aquos insurance fund), 2.5% to the treasury, and 2.5% to Fire Pit or burn controlling the token supply and keeping the protocol stable.
  • Of the 16% buy fees, 4% is allocated to liquidity, 5.0% to AIF (Aquos insurance fund), 4.5% to the treasury, and 2.5% to Fire Pit.


The company aims to create DeFi innovation to benefit Aquos holders and they are already launched on PancakeSwap. The company’s AAP protocol features exceptional benefits to users. The company is looking forward to launching its own dApp and launching its NFT collection.

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