Relive Your Childhood with the Baby Aetherius 2.0 Platform

Nunn, Colorado, April 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quick Take

  • BAETH 2.0 token is a BSC-based hyper deflationary token that features extensive investment options with real use cases and a rewarding mechanism.

  • BAETH 2.0 token offers AETH tokens as reflection; the community can use them (AETH reflection) for rewards.

  • 15% of their crypto-mining farm will be distributed among the holders who stake their BAETH Token through the staking platform.

The emergence of Bitcoin revolutionized digital assets. However, digital mining also has its drawbacks, like the lack of technical knowledge and infrastructure demands. Hence, many people refrain from investing in the crypto industry. Overcoming these issues while providing an engaging platform is the aim of the new Baby Aetherius 2.0 project. 

This BSC-based BAETH 2.0 hyper deflationary token features extensive investment options with real use cases and a rewarding mechanism. In its forthcoming offering, the project will introduce arcade games, virtual casinos, and P2E games to help users relive their childhood memories.

Introducing Baby Aetherius 2.0?

BAETH 2.0 is a community-based project where users can interact with each other and have fun like babies. The hyper deflationary token acts as a reward token for Aetherius with its P2E arcade games. Since users need to purchase Aetherius to acquire mining rigs, Baby Aetherius 2.0 accommodates the AETH community as an intermediary by offering BNB and Aetherius reflections.

The project is free of shareholders, marketers, or manager governance and offers security audited, open-source smart contracts that are permanent. The token offered by the developers is a utility token offering multiple benefits.


The project’s founders and developer’s wallets are locked for twelve months while the CEO and co-founder are fully doxxed. The project has a verified KYC, and its BabyAetherius contract was audited by ContractChecker and received a score of 89%.

It offers the following features:


The project founders realize that not every holder likes to lock their Aetherius tokens for a specific period to get rewards. Hence, they offer an option like DAPP (Farming). Holders can generate extra income through this option without locking their tokens with different farming options. Moreover, by staking the Baby Aetherius in the company’s DAPPS, holders will get reward tickets with a chance of winning a Tesla 2022 Model 3.

  • BAETH 2.0 Play to Earn Arcade

The project’s vision is to bring out the inner child in every user. The Baby Aetherius gaming platform offer this opportunity to all users. They will also bridge the age gap in the crypto community and ensure even aged individuals have fun with the unique arcade games and a virtual casino.

  • WEB 3

Baby Aetherius Web 3 allows users to receive rewards from mining. Here, BAETH holders can select any physical assets like mining machines using AETH as the payment method.

$BAETH 2.0 token and tokenomics

The utility token is based on 100% transparency, and their team constantly shares updates, few projects, and project achievements with their community members. BAETH 2.0 has a total supply of 100 billion tokens. 20% will be spent on burn across 15 different burn events from the total supply of tokens. 2% of total supply goes to marketing, 38% for presale, 18% towards rewards and liquidity pool each, and 4% goes to the team.

The token charges a 9% tax fee on buy transactions, of which 2% goes to the liquidity pool, 1.5% each towards BNB and AETH reflections, 3% towards the marketing wallet, and 1% to the development team. From the 10% tax fees on sell transactions, 2% goes to the liquidity pool, 1.5% each towards BNB and AETH reflections, 4% to the marketing wallet, and 1% to the development team.


Aetherius is the first cryptocurrency backed up by hash and offering mining devices with the Aetherius token as a payment method. The community-driven project has reached a successful presale of 400 BNB (Hard Cap) and is looking forward to its metaverse and 3D NFT launch in the coming stages.

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