How to Exit a Timeshare: Tidewater Latest News Release Step by Step Guide

Franklin, April 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With articles covering everything from breaking news, business, to lifestyle and health, Tidewater News Real Estate have now produced an in-depth guide on how to effectively exit a timeshare if all it’s giving you are the holiday blues.

Committed to generate honest and reliable content for the people, Tidewater Latest News have partnered up with SF Weekly (San Francisco’s arts, culture and entertainment publication) to highlight the common mistakes to avoid when exiting a timeshare in an easy to read and understandable language, that doesn’t leave you wishing you had a law degree.

Using information from SF Weekly’s article:, Tidewater Latest News offers readers a selection of options, such as employing a timeshare exit company or attempting a resale, with the goal of giving you the best possible chance of getting out of an unwanted timeshare.

Taking Action

A timeshare is a commitment to have part ownership of a residence on or near a resort (or other popular holiday locations) with allotted visiting times and annual fees.

While it’s a romantic idea to have that perfect home away from home, what happens when mounting costs or increasing fees leave you unable to imagine keeping the timeshare for another month, let alone until the end of your contract?

Tidewater Latest News whets readers appetites by mentioning key points from the SF Weekly article in a clear and concise way. Ranging from outlining those first initial steps, to explaining the rescind period and cancellation charges, to what to do if nothing else is successful.

The article includes links to SF Weekly’s piece for readers looking for more information, such as, their pick of the best timeshare exit companies to recommending legal resources with successful timeshare cancellation rates.

Exit Strategies

No idea where to start?

Tidewater Latest News breaks down the top 3 effective timeshare exit strategies to give you a clear idea on what action you can take to get rid of your unwanted timeshare. These are:

  • Resell your timeshare
  • Donate or rent out your timeshare
  • Make contact with the resort developer

Not only does their article provide information on how best to approach these exit strategies, but Tidewater Latest News also includes the possible disadvantages or problems you may face when selecting one of these options.

For those of you still unsure on what exit strategy is best, SF Weekly elaborate on each point, helping you to become fully informed and confident in your choice before making any final decisions.

SF Weekly’s article also mentions useful websites such as eBay or Craigslist when looking for reselling ideas and provide a comprehensive step by step guide on how exactly to write a cancellation letter.

Two is Better Than One

With more than 10 million Americans owning a timeshare, the competition is high when looking at options such as reselling or renting.

Tidewater Latest News and SF Weekly endeavour to not only provide you with the best possible resources but also highlight the common pitfalls owners make to give you the best opportunity for success.

There is even a link for a free consultation service provided by top timeshare exit companies or the option for advice from the highest rated cancellation experts on SF Weekly’s website. So, if you would rather have a little extra help, they make sure you know exactly where to get it.

More information

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