Izanagi - New And Exciting P2E Game ‘Flight For Gods’ Launches From Team Behind ERC20 & BEP20 Token

Los Angeles, California, United States, April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Flight Of Gods is set to be released on the App-Store and on Desktop

Izanagi ($nagi) offers two unique opportunities for potential investors: 

  • -With a flexible paying/non-paying model, all players can enjoy winning lucrative token Izanagi prizes.
  • -Earn both BNB and Izanagi tokens (Izanagi is deflationary and will be burned during play

Carrying over key members from the ERC20 & BEP 20 token, Izanagi’s core team is experienced and successful in the crypto space and have poured their passion and hard work into making Flight For Gods a fun, exciting, and rewarding P2E game. Once Flight For Gods launches, the Izanagi team will continue their focus on product development as they release their second utility ‘Otaku’, an NFT marketplace for anime and manga artists and fans looking to be part of a passionate, welcoming community. The Izanagi team also plans to work closely with ‘Luna PR’ to onboard brand ambassadors and secure partnerships, with the goal to grow their project organically as they attempt to blow the lid off their market cap. 

Izanagi’s branding is modern and captivating - with imagery that honors and pays homage to the Japanese flag. Its clean-cut design supports the ERC20 & BEP20 token and appeals to not only the Asian market, but a wide variety of investors as well. Izanagi’s branding, combined with the team’s determination, passion, and experience, makes this a token to watch!

More information on Izanagi can be found at the links below:

Website: https://izanagi.io 

Telegram: https://www.t.me/Izanagiportal

Telegram CN: https://t.me/IzanagiChina 

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Izanagi_Token 

Discord: https://discord.gg/izanagi-token 

“Here at Izanagi, we believe we can take P2E gaming to the next level. We’ll market our utilities with the intent to attract all kinds of individuals to the project, and we believe that by creating a niche NFT marketplace, we’ll be able to create a portal for talented anime and manga artists to showcase their work within the crypto industry to investors who will love their work as much as we do. We’re certain that new Izanagi holders will fall in love with us, our project, and our ever growing community of investors. We're excited to release our fun 2D P2E game and we’re equally excited to make a difference for upcoming Anime and Manga artists all around the world. We look forward to this journey, and we hope to have you along for the smooth ride up to the moon.” - The Izanagi Team

Company: Izanagi

Email Contact: contact@izanagi.io

Website: https://izanagi.io

