Two Day Gas & Electric Utility Cost-of-Service and Rate Design Seminar (Naples , United States - May 17-18, 2022)

Dublin, May 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Gas & Electric Utility Cost-of-Service and Rate Design" training has been added to's offering.

Understanding gas & electric utility rates and their relationship to utility profits doesn't have to be confusing.

Master the fundamentals of energy rate-making and learn the financial and accounting differences between regulated and unregulated businesses with this comprehensive course. This is a "must" seminar for anyone who is new to the utility industry or who is impacted by the utility rate-making process.

What You Will Learn

  • Plain English explanations of numerous gas & electric regulatory terms and concepts, and how the federal and state rate-making process works.
  • How gas & electric rate-making practices vary between investor owned utilities, municipal utilities, coops, and how these rate practices impact unregulated energy marketers.
  • The jargon used in the regulatory process, so that you can understand each step of a rate case.
  • Why utilities file rate cases and the types of analyses they conduct to support their proposals.
  • The difference between cost of service and market-based pricing, and how these rates are applied.
  • How various federal and state rate case procedures work, and how they differ.
  • What the different cost components of the base rate case are, and how they are determined.
  • The financial drivers for regulated utilities and how they differ from unregulated businesses
  • How to improve utility profitability through the rate-making process.
  • How different types of pricing structures are designed within rate proceedings

What You Will Also Learn

  • The specifics of various natural gas and electric rate structures; how to read a tariff; and how to analyze a gas & electric bill.
  • What rate structures benefit customers and suppliers, and when.
  • How rate structures are designed and applied in deregulated environments.
  • How to calculate comparisons between regulated and deregulated supply procurement.

Key Topics Covered:

Day One (Morning - 4 hours):

  • Conduct a thorough review of the gas & electric industries from a regulatory perspective.
  • Discuss the major regulatory changes that created the energy marketplace of today.
  • Review the fundamental concepts of gas & electric rates and rate-making in detail.
  • Explain how rate base and rate of return are determined.
  • Discuss how items are categorized as operating expenses or capital expenses.
  • Explain the federal and state rate case processes involved for both base rate increases and fuel adjustments.
  • Discuss the various rationales used to request changes in gas & electric rates.

Day One (Afternoon - 4 hours):

  • Review the current problems encountered when implementing today's open-access markets and customer choice programs.
  • Examine the important issues that create friction between utilities and energy marketers from both perspectives.
  • Conduct a gas/electric case study exercise that addresses specific issues selected by the class.
  • Debate the merits of significant issues contained within the case study using the active participation of class participants.

Day Two ( 4 hours):

  • Interpret a variety of gas & electric tariffs to become proficient in bill analyses techniques.
  • Conduct several bill analyses with both gas and electric bills for residential, commercial, and industrial customer groups.
  • Illustrate the differences between various gas & electric rate tariffs using case studies of different bill applications.
  • Apply case study results and lessons to real-life situations.
  • Continue with the bill and tariff analysis using actual bill examples and situations selected from the class participants which have been submitted in advance.
  • Review several additional examples of increasing rate-making complexity as time allows.
  • Produce comparative analysis of bundled and unbundled rates using current electric and gas pricing examples.
  • Illustrate how the economics of rate design is applied in competitive energy markets.

For more information about this training visit

