PHILADELPHIA, May 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Catapult Learning, a provider of intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools, today announced the availability of its 2022 Student Learning Bag and Lending Library Catalog, a cost-effective way to supply students with engaging books and activities that encourage learning throughout the summer.
With more than 30 themed topics to choose from, Learning Bags promote literacy development and an excitement for education. Topics include social and emotional learning, bilingual education, and exposure to a diverse range of genres, and can be used as a supplement to summer programming or for at-home learning.
Curated for five grade bands (K−1, 2−3, 4−5, 6−8, and 9−12), options include Reading Bags, which motivate children to read for pleasure while building their literacy and comprehension skills, and Activity Bags, designed to engage children through exploratory learning. Texts in Reading Bags are designed to spark students’ curiosity and help them become proficient and fluent readers. From games and puzzles to arts and crafts, materials in the Activity Bags guide students in learning how to gather information about the world, explore ideas, ask questions, engage in an inquiry-based process to find answers, problem solve in new and stimulating ways, and connect classroom learning to real-world experiences. Family Tip Sheets tailored to each bag theme offer guidance on how to optimize children’s learning experiences.
“Catapult Learning’s Reading and Activity Bags are designed to meet the individual needs of all students, helping motivate them to develop the habits of lifelong readers and learners,” said Devon Wible, Catapult Learning vice president of academics. “Our team applies decades of classroom experience to develop programs and resources that ensure students receive the best possible support. Learning Bags allow students to continue strengthening and developing vital skills learned during the school year, setting them up for prolonged success.”
To provide extra help for families, caregiver/parent support reading bags offer a wide array of approaches to promote optimal child development, effective strategies, and self-care tools as they face daily challenges and unique demands. Bags are available for caregivers of students in grade bands K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
“We must provide our students and their families with tools to help enhance achievement and spur academic growth over the summer,” said CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara. “Knowing the importance of having access to high-quality enrichment activities during the summer months, we are pleased to supply families with learning bags. These offer engaging activities designed to help prepare our students for success in their academic careers.”
Reading Bags feature a variety of themes, including diversity, STEM, financial literacy, social & emotional learning, and many more, and range in price from $35−$100. Activity Bags explore topics such as science, math, STEM, creativity, and reading games, and range in price from $35−$155. Versions of bags, curated with the cultural preferences of Catholic and Jewish school partners in mind, are also available.
Catapult Learning’s Learning Bags also help to:
- Establish regular at-home learning routines
- Engage additional family members in students’ education
- Show parents/guardians how to help their children connect classroom learning to what is happening in the real world
- Build awareness of the world through a breadth of books and activities
The 2022 catalog provides information on how schools or districts can customize student reading and lending libraries that address schools’ specific needs and support small group and individual reading instruction.
Catapult Learning also offers teacher lending libraries, which provide up-to-date resources covering industry best practices. Download the 2022 Student Learning Bag & Lending Library Catalog here.
About Catapult Learning
Catapult Learning, a division of FullBloom, provides intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools. Our 5,000 educators deliver evidence-based programs that include student instruction, family support services, and professional development designed to help teachers’ efforts to successfully integrate proven practices into the classroom. Executed by a team of experienced coaches, our professional development services strengthen the capacity of teachers and leaders to raise and sustain student achievement, improving education and overall quality of life. Intervention programs support struggling learners with instruction tailored to the unique needs of each student. Across the country, Catapult Learning partners with 500+ school districts, including 18 of the 20 largest, to produce positive outcomes that promote academic and professional growth. Additionally, Catapult has strong partnerships in place with the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity and the Center on Teaching & Learning at the University of Oregon. Learn more at