Waddell Phillips PC - Proposed Immigration Imprisonment Class Action Launched

TORONTO, May 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  A proposed class action against the Federal Government was launched yesterday on behalf of Immigration Detainees held in Provincial Prisons.

Immigration Detainees are non-citizens who are detained solely for an administrative reason. The majority pose no risk to public safety and are held because the federal government believes they are a flight risk and will not appear for an immigration hearing or for removal from Canada.

Under domestic and international legal rules, immigration detention is an administrative measure that cannot be punitive in nature and immigration detainees should be separated from those held for criminal reasons. Despite this, many Immigration Detainees are imprisoned in punitive Provincial Prisons where they are co-mingled with those serving criminal sentences. In fact, the majority of time spent in immigration detention—approximately two-thirds—is spent in a Provincial Prison, rather than a specially built immigration holding centre.

Every year, thousands of Immigration Detainees are incarcerated in Provincial Prisons, including refugees, migrants, and even permanent residents who have lived here for many years. While in prison, Immigration Detainees are subjected to the same restrictive and violent environment as criminal inmates despite not being detained for any criminal purpose: they are handcuffed, shackled, strip-searched, confined to small prison cells, subjected to lockdowns, solitary confinement and rigid routines, and kept under constant surveillance, with very limited access to their families, legal counsel, and the outside world. Unlike convicted criminal inmates who serve a fixed sentence in prison, Immigration Detainees face a potentially indefinite period of incarceration. This uncertain nature of when their detention will end, some stretching for months or even years, can cause or worsen mental health issues.

These punitive immigration detention practices have long been criticized by the international community. Organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have accused Canada of breaching international human rights standards.

The plaintiffs in the proposed class action lawsuit are two Immigration Detainees who were detained on the grounds that they were flight risks but were sent to maximum security Ontario prisons rather than the Immigration Holding Centre in Toronto.

The plaintiffs allege, on behalf of all Immigration Detainees imprisoned in Provincial Prisons since May 16, 2016, that detention of Immigration Detainees in Provincial Prisons is a violation of their Charter rights, a breach of the federal government’s tort and fiduciary duties to them, and contrary to domestic and international legal requirements which mandate that immigration detention must be administrative and non-punitive in nature. The class action also alleges that Immigration Detainees with mental health conditions are discriminated against in the practice of detention in Provincial Prisons, in violation of their Charter right to equality.

Proposed class counsel are Waddell Phillips PC, Subodh Bharati Barrister & Solicitor, and Foreman & Company PC. Individuals who believe that they may be affected by this class action are encouraged to contact one of these law firms by calling 1-800-991-0286 or 1-855-814-4575 or emailing reception@waddellphillips.ca, info@foremancompany.com or classaction@ssblaw.ca        

For media enquiries, please contact Cory Wanless at cory@waddellphillips.ca or Subodh Bharati at subodh@ssblaw.ca

The statement of claim can be found here: https://waddellphillips.ca/class-actions/immigration-class-action/

