PISCATAWAY, N.J., May 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After 23 years and the fulfillment of their mission, the members of The VoiceXML Forum have agreed to dissolve the organization effective 31 May 2022.
The VoiceXML Forum has accomplished much over their years of operation and has been a leading global industry organization that worked to accelerate the adoption of VoiceXML and adjacent technologies.
The VoiceXML Forum has strived to certify the conformance of VoiceXML platforms to the VoiceXML standard, helping to ensure the interoperability of VoiceXML platforms, tools, and applications. They have also collaborated with standards organizations and other industry consortia, such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the IETF.
“The VoiceXML Forum began as a small group of companies that shared a vision to improve the way voice applications are built and grew to more than 100 companies,” said Rob Marchand, Forum board member and senior director at Genesys. “Along the way, it fostered the development and adoption of open standards that would shape an entire industry. I want to thank the companies and individuals who contributed to the success over the years without whom any of this would be possible.”
Throughout their tenure, the VoiceXML Forum has created publications, best practices and use cases for application by the industry.
“The sheer number of companies and users worldwide who benefit from voice technology every day is a testament to the Forum’s success in defining and promoting VoiceXML standards over the past 20+ years,” said Paolo Baggia, VoiceXML Forum board member and director of International Standards at Nuance. “The dedicated work by Forum members enabled the creation of scores of voice-driven applications like package tracking, driving directions, voice dialing and many others that we take for granted today.”
Although the Forum is disbanding, the VoiceXML website will still stay active and will host all past work product - https://voicexml.org/
“The value of the VoiceXML Forum goes far beyond the standards development and testing its members performed,” said Baggia. “While the active work winds down, the Forum’s technical resources and publications will continue to be available on the VoiceXML website to inform current and future development of new conversational AI applications for cybersecurity, healthcare, customer service and other areas.”
About The VoiceXML Forum
Founded in 1999, the VoiceXML Forum is an industry organization whose mission is to promote and to accelerate the worldwide adoption of VoiceXML-based applications. The Forum served as an educational and technical resource, a certification authority and a contributor and liaison to international standards bodies. The VoiceXML Forum is organized as a program of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO). The Forum dissolved in May 2022 after successfully achieving its mission.