Cilicon’s Partner Program Accelerates Enterprise Innovation and Product ROI via Diversifying Transformation

SHENZHEN, China, July 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via CannabisNewsWire --  Cilicon, the leading, globally trusted, product solution provider of cannabis vape technology and manufacturing, announces the launch of its Cilicon Partner Program, a flexible, collaborative distributor partnership to help cannabis vaporizer enterprises expand product selections, upgrade product performance, expedite product delivery cycles and reduce product inventory costs. Cilicon today began accepting cannabis vape hardware distributors of different regions, sizes, levels and needs to further expand the supply market for cannabis vaporizers.

The Cilicon Partner Program uses a one-to-one approach to achieve diversification and benefits maximization to help distributors satisfy consumers’ demands in seeking more diversified and humanized products and services, thus expanding the profitability and growth space. Distributors can customize the Cilicon partnership program based on their needs or use Cilicon’s suggested program solutions to swiftly connect their products to other distribution channels to improve sales efficiency and benefits.

“The cannabis vape pen market is getting intensely competitive, and consumers have increasingly developed brand recognition in the market,” says Cilicon's channel director, Aurora Chen. “By partnering with a vaporizer manufacturer like Cilicon, with its many years of industry experience, distributors will not only have free access to a more professional marketing team to grasp the market dynamics but also a technical team who responds quickly to product demand inquiries. We even arrange exclusive channel managers to assist in product planning and inventory management, localizing the market portfolio for better market culture acceptance and adaptation. Furthermore, we offer everything from oil injection service and vaporizer products to packaging and logistic solutions, and sales planning from sell-in to sell-out, becoming a one-stop service provider to lead and achieve win-win business cooperation, thus rapidly expanding the market.”

The Cilicon Partner Program currently offers partners a wide variety of multi-benefit plans to address the product distribution process and specific sales needs for distributors in various aspects. The main distributor interests include: 

  • More favorable channel-based pricing for distributors, which is 10% lower than Cilicon direct sales quotation.
  • Exclusive marketing and advertising materials with comprehensive sales and marketing support.
  • Regular sales and product training to help partners gain industry expertise.
  • First purchase order that exceeds 50,000 pieces will receive an additional 10% of free goods.
  • Partners who refer new customers can receive higher commissions on successfully completed orders.

Clients can always contact the company to view the latest Cilicon Partner Program sales distribution plans. Whether clients are seasoned professionals or new to the cannabis vaping industry, Cilicon offers a customizable partnership program based on each customer’s distribution model, collaboration needs and expectations, ensuring each receives comprehensive and unconditional support. Cilicon aspires to introduce superb quality and innovative and diversified cannabis vaping hardware to more consumers and further promote its partners and peers to drive the cannabis vaping device industry development to be more progressive and normative.

“As a growing innovative vaporizer enterprise,” says Chris Lin, Cilicon's chief brand officer and marketing manager, “we are always pursuing strategies to upgrade efficiency and product services, attempting to customize our partnership development based on our customers' different business models and interests to provide finer and exceptional service to our partners and their consumers. Beginning with the product sales model, collaboration service flow to the supply time cycle, including the actual profit share, each customer’s plan can be flexibly designed and adjusted to achieve a dual win-win situation for mutual parties. The Cilicon Partner Program is a sincere and friendly partnership program launched by Cilicon to our potential global partners. It enables Cilicon to continue to focus on creating a progressive, competitive environment for the entire cannabis vaporization industry and a greater consumer experience for our end users.”

Cilicon is now open to all cannabis enthusiasts interested in the marijuana vaporizer market to join the Company’s Cilicon Partner Program for in-depth cooperation. This action aims to expand the range of products on the market while allowing Cilicon customers to contribute to the cannabis community, working together to instill innovative perspectives.

To further understand the Cilicon Partner Program benefits, strategy and submission process and to inquire regarding the sales model and collaboration requirements, please contact Cilicon at:

About Cilicon
Cilicon was born with one dream: to improve everyday lives through vape technology utilizing innovation, enthusiasm and compassion. We’re tired of inferior merchandise hurting the market and driving out high-quality products. Therefore, Cilicon was founded with no compromise on quality, safety and customer satisfaction. Innovation is in our blood so Cilicon created a game-changing proprietary platform to generate diverse cannabis vaporizer options for standing out from the crowd. For Cilicon, brand success is our main priority. Your satisfaction matters!

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